Photoshop plugin filters for professional and quick photo


Black & White Studio Photoshop plugin

Example of B/W conversionThis Photoshop plugin lets you convert color to black and white photography. Use: light sensitivity of professional films or set your own sensitivity curves; color-filters (yellow, orange, etc.); multigrade range 00 to 5; exposure equivalent to f-stops; highlight and shadow control; zone adjustments ... and much more.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK


Golden Section Photoshop plugin

Golden section pluginThis Photoshop filter lets you easily draw any divine proportion on your image or a transparent layer as an aid for cropping and composition. This plug-in draws the golden sections, golden spiral, golden triangles, spiral sections, rule of thirds and harmonic triangles. It handles any proportions.

Define any size within the image's limits as an aid for cropping.


Zone system Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter is the Ansel Adams zone system for digital.

Divide the image into ten editable zones and adjust exposure, contrast and color of each zone.

8 & 16 bit RGB, CMYK Grayscale.


White-balance Photoshop plugin

Example of auto-modeWhite balance Photoshop filter. Auto-mode calibrates the correct color-filter for any light source. Manual mode has a slider for daylight-film and incandescent-film color-correction filters equal to Kodak Wratten 80A to 85B.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK


Toned Photos Photoshop plugin

Tone sepia, kallitype, cyanotype, etc.This Photoshop filter lets you tone your photo sepia or like any other traditional toned print. Nine preset tones: Sepia, Van Dyck, Kallitype, Silver Gelatin, Palladium, Platinum, Cyanotype, Light Cyanotype and Silver. Adjust the preset tones, or create your own. It has colored lens-filters for the B/W conversion. The plug-in copies the pigmentation distribution of the traditional toned photo.
8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK.


Chromatic Aberration Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter lets you remove transverse chromatic aberration and/or longitudinal chromatic aberration.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK.


Color fringe remover Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter removes colorfringes. It gives you full control over the fringe color and fringe detection. Remove two fringe colors, or use double pass filtering. Full control over color correction, saturation and brightness. It not only removes the fringe color, but reconstructs the underlying color

8 & 16 bit / channel: RGB, CMYK.


Lens Corrector Photoshop plugin

Example of pincushion distortion correctedThis Photoshop filter lets you fix distorted photos. Correct lens-distortions from zoom, tele, wide-angle, and even panorama lenses. Remove barreling and pincushion distortion. Very intuitive to use and extremely flexible. This is the only software available for panorama photo distortions.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Soft-filter Photoshop plugin

Example of softeningThis Photoshop filter does exactly the same as traditional lens soft-filters. Control the strength of the softness and the spread of the softness. It does not blur the image.

It can also be used as a noise filter.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Sharpness Editor Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter lets you sharpen photos with novel unsharp masks. Our Sharpness Editor does not create edgelines or artifacts as regular unsharp mask does. Restrict sharpening to edges only, or blur selected colors, hues or shades in order to manipulate the focus. Optional anti-aliasing can be used to avoid edge roughness. Also has a novel soft threshold as well as classic hard.
8 &16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Equalizer Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter gives you full control over the amount of equalization. Equalize luminance only or color. Adjust amount of equalization in lights, midtones and darks. Apply graduated equalization. Restrict equalization to a specific color range

8 & 16 bit / channel: All image modes.


Film Grain Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter lets you add film grain to your digital photos. This plugin accurately emulates traditional film grain - both black & white and color. You get control over intensity, size and contrast as well as the softness/hardness of the grain.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Vignetting Photoshop plugin

Example of correcting radial exposureThis Photoshop filter lets you remove vignetting. Correct radial exposure and radial brightness independently. Control the radius and the fade-out of the exposure correction.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab

Radial density is the same as vignetting

Dynamic Range Compressor Photoshop plugin

Left side is original photo. Right side is filtered to reveal details in darks areasThis Photoshop filter is for HDR & Shadow illumination without artifacts such as ghosting (edge halos) or fake illumination. Compress lights as well as darks. It uses a single image, not two or three. One has full control over all aspects of dynamic range compression - like black point, offset, shadow depth, saturation, etc.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Graduated Color Photoshop plugin

Example of B/W conversionThis Photoshop filter lets you apply one or two graduated colors when retouching. Either in regular mode or our novel photographic mode for optimum retouching results. Instantly set the oposite sides of the filter to complementary colors. Shift the midpoint and contrast as you please.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK, Multichannel


Histogram Repair Photoshop plugin

Histogram Repair interpolates the missing values in a posterized histogram.

If used after converting an 8 bit image to 16 bit, it will convert the 16 bit image into a true 16 bit image with a full value range.

8 & 16 bit: All image modes.

Illumination Editor Photoshop plugin

This Photoshop filter lets you change or edit the illumination and shade in a photo. Set the direction of the light to any angle of 360 degrees. Raise or lower exposure and/or brightness independently
Create graduated transparency for correction layers.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK, Lab, Duotone, Grayscale, Multichannel.


Contrast Editor Photoshop plugin

Example of raising contrast and shifting midpointThis Photoshop filter lets you control black-white contrast independent of color-contrast and without changing the color or saturation. Control the midtones by setting how much they should be preserved or lost. Our general contrast slider quickly improves the black-white contrast, color-contrast and saturation in one go.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Exposure Corrector Photoshop plugin

Correcting underexposureCorrect under- or overexposure. One can do this either in the entire photo or in selected or restricted areas such as the shadows. Target-mode lets you correct exposure in any range of darks, midtones or lights - typically you'll want to re-expose shadows or lower highlights. This is an ideal pair with our Dynamic Range Compressor.
8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Color Corrector Photoshop plugin

Example of editing the reflected light in shadows onlyThis Photoshop filter is for color correction and removing colorcast. Select a color, hue and/or brightness-range and change it any way you like. Shift the color spectrum of the entire image or a selected hue or brightness-range by rotating the color wheel. In the example, we targeted the reflected lights in the girls face and made them brighter, warmer and more vivid by rotating the color circle a bit.
8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Black definition Photoshop plugin

Example of raising black contentWith this Photoshop filter you can control black in photos as if it were a color channel. Target changes to colors or gray areas. The plastic 3D sense in a photo is greatly enhanced when the black definition is raised. Reducing black definition makes colors more vivid without raising their saturation. Also use this plug-in to brighten sullied photos without actually altering brightness.
8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Saturation Editor Photoshop plugin

Example of photomode saturation enhancementThis Photoshop filter lets you edit saturation without splitting the image up into primary colors - red, green, blue. The plug-in operates with a full 360° color wheel. All colors, hues, tonal variations and shades are preserved. Also the plug-in does not alter brightness. Four modes of saturating.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK


Noise Corrector Photoshop plugin

Noise corrected with soft-focus methodThis Photoshop filter has five different methods to filter noise in digital photographs. Soft Focus retains sharpness while removing noise. Also: Film-grain leveling ... Median ... Hue preserving Despeckle. The plug-in even has an intelligent mask for preserving details and drawing.
MAC: 8 & 16 bit: RGB, CMYK.
WIN : 8 & 16 bit: RGB. 8 bit: CMYK.


Anti-aliasing Photoshop plugin

Example of anti-aliasingThis Photoshop filter lets you filter edge roughness and jagged edges in graphics and images. Also for anti-aliasing photos at large. Web graphics improve with anti-alias filtering, because they are often down-scaled significantly and have become jaggy.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Edgeline drawing Photoshop plugin

Example of toneline methodThis Photoshop filter lets you convert photos and images to line-drawings. Set the color of both line and background. Optional transparent background. The plug-in can emulate toneline lithfilm to create line drawings that differ from regular edge-detection such as Photoshop's "Find edges".

8 and 16 bit RGB, grayscale


Posterizer Photoshop plugin

Examples of posterizationWith this Photoshop filter you can posterize color hues and values independently and freely select any number of levels for either. The filter lets you apply blending modes, known from Photoshop's layers, to mix the posterized image with the original photo for more aesthetically pleasing posterizations.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Transparency Editor Photoshop plugin

Transposing bevel to cutout lettersThis Photoshop filter lets you create transparent backgrounds and masks for graphic design. Use the progressive transparency to improve scans by combining two scans of an image - one for correct midtones and lights, one for correct midtones and darks.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


Brightness Editor Photoshop plugin

Example of brightness enhancement with 100% color-preservationThis Photoshop filter lets you edit brightness with full color-preservation. You can preserve or reduce color freely. It is well suited to be used in conjunction with the Exposure Editor and when working with selections, also for fading background images in graphic design and web design.

8 & 16 bit: RGB, grayscale, Duotone, CMYK, Multichannel, Lab


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Web-design by PowerRetouche photo-software plugins tutorials and photoshop tips

Web-design by Power retouche photo-software plugins tutorials and photoshop tips

Photoshop plugin filters for professional and quick photo ...
This Photoshop plugin lets you convert color to black and white photography. Use: light sensitivity of professional films or set your own

Photoshop Plugin Filters For Professional And Quick Photo ...
Photoshop plugin filters for professional and quick photo This Photoshop plugin lets you convert color to black and white photography. Use: light sensitivity of - Photoshop plugin filters for ...
Title: Photoshop plugin filters for professional and quick photo retouching: Description: Photoshop plugins such as a better unsharp mask; BW-conversion; Golden

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Photoshop Plugin Filters For Professional And Quick Photo ...
Photoshop plugin filters professional quick photo, This photoshop plugin lets you convert color to black and white photography. use: light sensitivity of professional

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