Creating Wood texture in Photoshop Tutorial - PhotoshopCAFE

Step 1

I started with a new document at 800 X 800 pixels, RGB and 72 dpi. The size doesnt matter really.

Screen Shot 2014-08-03 at 11.28.58 AM

Set your foreground and background colors to light and dark wood tones as shown.

Step 2

Choose Filter>Render>Fibers.

This is where you will dial in the wood texture. Experiment with different variance and strength settings for different results.

Step 3

You will now have a texture that looks like wood. If you dont like it, undo and try the fibers again with different settings.

I like to stretch the texture a little bit.

Choose Image>Image size and make the height 2x the width (800×1600)

Screen Shot 2014-08-03 at 11.31.07 AM

Step 4

Many times you may prefer the texture to be horizontal. In this case choose Image>rotation> 90 Clockwise


Step 5

For a touch or realism, lets add some knots (optional)

Choose the elliptical marquee tool and make oval shaped selections. In this case I made 2 selections. Tip: Hold down the shift key to add a second selection.


Step 6

Before we add the knots, lets make sure they blend in. Choose Select>Modify Selection>Feather and choose 30 pixels

Choose distort>Twirl to create the effect. I chose and angle of 205. This setting will all depend on the resolution of your image and how tight you want the knot to appear.


Step 7

One last thing to give it that final polish, and this is optional.

Choose Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask to define the wood a little but more.


Radius: 2.2


There you have it, wood texture in Photoshop.


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Colin Smith

Colin Smith is founder of the #1 PhotoshopCAFE online community which has received over 30 million visitors. Colin has Authored/Coauthored 18 books. He has won numerous awards including 3 Guru awards. Hes been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame twice. Colin is a regular columnist for Photoshop User Magazine. Hes been featured in almost every major imaging magazine, and is in high demand as a speaker at major industry events including Flash Forward and WPPI . He consults such companies as ABC Disney, Apple and Adobe

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