How to Create a Website - Free & Easy Tutorial for Beginners

Creating a website is super easy. You can do it yourself without hiring a professional. Just follow the steps below (or start here) and your site will be up and running in no time!

step 1

Register a Domain Name

Woman With Thumbs Up

Your domain name is like the home of your website. Take your time with this step because the name you choose becomes part of your brand. You cannot change your domain. You can only register a new name.

Also, try to choose a name that is short enough so you can get matching usernames for Twitter, YouTube and other Social Media accounts. Branding is everything.

Discover how to register the "best" domain and get a free e-book and video to help you start your website.

step 2

sign up with a web host

web hosting

The web host is the company that houses your site and provides you with space to create web pages, any scripts you can install (forums, shopping carts, blogging, etc.), email addresses, security and so much more.

Hosting companies can overwhelm you with their features, but the majority of them offer the same services. Start with the cheapest monthly plan offered because upgrading later is very easy.

Click here to learn more about web hosting.

step 3

Install WordPress

wordpress logo

Once you've gotten your domain and signed up for hosting, login to your account and install WordPress. It's free and there is no web design experience needed.

After the installation, just point your browser to, login and begin building your website.

You simply pick your theme, add your content, and hit Publish!

Find out how to get a free Wordpress tutorial video that will help you start your site.

If you want to learn to build an HTML website from scratch without WordPress, click here.

Not sure about the difference between blogs and regular websites? Click here to learn more.

What Kind of Site Do You Want?

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There are so many different types of websites you can create. From ecommerce, membership to content sites, etc. Find out the best way to approach your future site.

Click here for details on different kinds of websites you can create.

How Long Will Website Success Take?


This is one of the most common questions I receive about the creation and success of a website and it's also the most difficult to answer.

The time it takes will depend completely on YOU and how long it takes you to learn how to market your site. It will vary from person to person for a variety of different reasons.

If you were running an offline store, you would never expect to know how long before you sell 100 donuts right? The same applies to the online world. There is no way to predict how quickly you will get the traffic you need to succeed with your site.

Read this article for more details.

A CLASSIC Website Mistake

Woman Making Mistake

Don't fall into the trap of being so focused on the money that your site fails to connect with real people.

1) Will your site solve problems better than the competition?

2) What kind of person will it cater to?

3) Why would someone come to your site instead of an already-established site on the same topic? What is your unique angle or spin?

In other words, create a unique experience that helps people connect with your content in ways the competition doesn't.

If you want to create a successful site, you have to understand the importance of connecting with human beings instead of just building a site with words on a page.

There are enough wikipedia-like websites on the Net today. Aim to be different, fresh and over deliver your content.

Click here to prevent a common website mistake.

The Free Website Warning

free website

I am often asked about creating free websites. Sorry, but you won't find recommendations here.

Not only does the web address look unprofessional (, but you will be very limited to what you can do with your site.

Free sites are also very risky because you don't own your content. So if the company decides to shut down, guess what happens to your content?

Yep. Right down the drain.

Many people make the mistake of starting off free with the intention of moving to a paid host later. The problem is, the process of moving to another host can be a royal pain, so you might as well do it right the first time.

Not convinced yet? Read why I believe free websites are bad.

Also, check out my article that discusses more common mistakes people make with building websites today.

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I update my blog 2-3 times per month and that's where you can get the latest tips on marketing your website and making money online. Enter your email in the form below and I'll send you the updates.

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