"combing two pictureI have a picture of my daughters hand that i scanned from a bronze casting. In the cast i only have one hand, so i copied and flipped it two appear like i have both hands. Problem... They are two sepperate pictures, How do i combine to make one picture. (Sorry...Win XP/Pro with PS 7)"
Beginners' Corner: Creating a Mirror Image
This will be easy and painless. It works in ALL versions of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements:
1. Duplicate - Press Ctrl/J (Mac: Cmd/J) to "float" a copy of the layer you wish to mirror...
2. Select & Flip - Press Ctrl (Mac: Cmd) and Click on the layer thumbnail of the new layer you created.
3. Flip - Select Menu Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal and your image will flip to mirror the original image.
4. Enlarge your Canvas - You now have to enlarge the file canvas to accommodate both pictures side-by-side.
Select Menu: Image > Canvas Size and then set the WIDTH to double the file size, then click the 'Map' below to position the newly added space in the right direction.
5. Finish the Creation - Now just use the Move tool (tap V) and move the images to mirror position. Touch up the edges, using the Smudge tool, Clone tool or any of the others, and that's all there is to it.
Here's the finished mirror image
There are many other ways to accomplish this task, but this is the most straight forward, easy to remember method. You won't have to ask this question again. The added benefit is that it works in all versions of Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
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Who invented "Photoshop Tips & Tricks"
from the Editor:
I was delighted that day back in 1989 when Peggy Killburn called to ask if I could handle one more speaker in my "Great Graphics Tips & Tricks" session scheduled for the 1990 Macworld Expo. "Yes" was my response to her request to add Russell Brown to my panel. After all, we loved Adobe's young "Illustrator" program, and were quite anxious to try out their upcoming new product called "Photoshop." After seeing his demo, I was convinced Photoshop would be big. So the next month we added "Photoshop Tips & Tricks" to our regular DTG Magazine uploads to Compuserve, GEnie and AOL. The rest is history.
I only regret that I didn't trademark the name.
Editor / Publisher: Photoshop Tips & Tricks, DTG Magazine.
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