Photoshop: Candy Cane Text - Photoshop Tutorials by Howard

To continue with this months holiday themed tutorials, were going to create candy cane text! Perfect for your digital holiday decorations or cards!

CandyCane1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text


[raw] [/raw]


The first thing were going to do is create the texture. Create a new document with the dimensions 100px by 100px with a transparent background. To ensure that our pattern tiles properly, go ahead and make sure that Snap is turned on under the View menu. Youll see why in a moment. Im also going to drag out a Guide from the left to find the center of my document. (Dont see your rulers? Enable them with Command/CTRL + R)

100x1001 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Selecting your Rectangle Tool from the Tools Bar on the left, set the color of this shape to a medium red. I used b60000. Once the color is set, drag out a rectangle in the middle of your document. As long as Snap is turned on, your rectangle should snap to the middle guide when you go to position it.

middlerectangle Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Now that this rectangle is in place, we need two more. Holding down your Alt/Option key, drag this rectangle to the edge of your document. If we were to place this shape right on the edge, wed have pretty ugly results when we apply the pattern, so we need to place this rectangle halfway off our document. Dragging it off the edge, as long as Snap is turned on, you should see the middle of the rectangle snap to the edge. Thats exactly what were looking for.

2ndrectangle1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

When its in place, Im going to change the color of this rectangle to be a touch more vibrant. Itll give us some variation to our pattern. I choose to use e50000 for the outer rectangles. After thats complete, duplicate this new rectangle over to the opposite side of your document, making sure it snaps into place.

3rdrectangle1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Good. Our pattern is complete. It may look quite boring now, but once we pop some Layer Styles on it, Ill spice it up! To save this as a pattern, head up to the Edit menu, then down to Define Pattern, then give a name to your pattern.

editdefine1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

DefinePattern1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text


Good! Were ready to create our text. The size of your document is completely up to you. Im working with a 700x500 pixel document. With the Type Tool selected, pick out your font of choice. I found that choosing a font with nice rounded edges works well for this design. Pooplatter looks like a good choice. Perfectly fitting for the holiday season. icon wink Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Pooplatter1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

As for the fonts color, Im going to use a mostly white font, with a slight touch of red. I went with ffefef. Now, type your word in the center of your document. The size of the font is up to you (I used 230 pt), but remember, youll definitely need to tweak the Layer Styles in order to get the result youre looking for.

candytext1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Now that the text is ready to go, lets add our pattern. On your Tools Bar, grab the Paint Bucket Tool, then at the top, change the source from Foreground to Pattern. You should see a dropdown appear to the right. This will give us access to the pattern we created a moment ago, which should be at the bottom of the list.

PaintBucket1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

When you have the pattern selected, create a new layer, and fill it with our new pattern by clicking anywhere inside the document.

FilledPattern1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Now there are two ways of placing our pattern inside our text. Layer Masks and Clipping. Because were going to be rotating the pattern and possibly moving it, lets go the Clipping route. In your Layers Panel, right click on our newly created layer, then choose Create Clipping Mask. This will place our pattern inside our text layer.

CreateClipping1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Clipped1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Whats nice about Clipping Masks, is we can rotate or move our pattern even after its been clipped. Entering Free Transform mode, with my Command/CTRL + T shortcut, you can rotate my pattern until youre happy with the result. I prefer to stray away from a vertical look.

RotatedPattern1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Now some may be completely happy with this result, and youre free to stop here if you are, but Im going to go further with this design. Lets add a few Layer Styles.

Layer Styles

Lets start the Layer Styles on our pattern layer. On this layer, lets first add a Stroke to soften up the harsh edges of our pattern. Basically, Im going to use a light red (fd8c8c) which will go around the edges of our pattern. If we leave the edges too sharp, the pattern can be quite distracting. Setting the size at 2px should do the trick.

PatternStroke1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

The last Style were going to add is a Drop Shadow. Were not trying to give our pattern depth, were actually introducing a third color to the mix. I chose to add a green line to my pattern (008800).

PatternShadow1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Pefect. Our pattern is complete.

PatternComplete1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Again, youre free to stop here if youre happy, but Im going to add two more Layer Styles to my text layer, starting with Bevel and Emboss.

TextBevel1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

This should leave you with a nice shiny looking effect. Now remember, like I mentioned earlier, if youre working with a larger or smaller font, youll probably have to tweak the settings to get a nice result. And finally, to pull our text away from the background, add a Drop Shadow.

TextShadow1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

And that should do it! You can, hopefully, have text that looks like a candy cane!

FinalCandyCane1 Photoshop: Candy Cane Text

Photoshop: Candy Cane Text - Photoshop Tutorials by Howard ...
To continue with this months holiday themed tutorials, were going to create candy cane text! Perfect for your digital holiday decorations or cards!

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