Photoshop Replace Color (Textiles) - Photoshop 911

Beware: the textiles, garment and furniture industries are very particular about matching fabric colors in color photographs. This reader wants to change the colors. That's okay, but use care.

>> I am a textile agent . i get check designing samples from market, get it scanned. now i wanna change the colours of the checks. there r eight colours , i wanna change one similar colour to other , 2nd colour to other and etc please helpSubmitted by: shanti nahata using photoshop 7 with windows 98

Here's the best way...

PS 911 Team says:
These are dangerous waters. The textile market is very picky about color. We've had a lot of experience with the furniture industry in the Carolinas, and those people demand perfection when it comes to matching colors.

If you must, use the "Replace Color" function:

Go to Image > Adjustments > Replace Color.
In the dialog box, select the color with the pickers that you want to change. You can add and subtract from the selection using the plus and minus eyedropper tool.

Then go to Transform sliders at the bottom and choose the Hue, Saturation and Lightness of the new color you want as the replacement.

Be Careful:

1. Replace Color uses Hue, Saturation, and Lightness sliders.

Forget about RGB or CMYK values. Set up your Info palette to read out in HSB values and take a reading of your scanned swatch, or the target color then make a note of the HSB values. Then while you are in the Replace Color mode keep a sharp eye on the Info palette -- it will tell you when you have a match.

1. Draw a loose selection around the general area where the colors are to be changes. This protects other areas of the overall image where you may not want that color changed.

2. Start with a very low "Fuzziness" setting and gradually increase it. Pay close attention to the mask thumbnail (these are called "proxies") in the palette.

3. Photoshop cs users can use the "Replace Color Tool" hiding behind the Healing Brush. With that you simply sample the color, and begin painting.

From Photoshop 911 Case #04028; kolkata, west bengal, india

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