When it comes to understanding Photoshop are you:-
Confused about where to begin?
Not sure which manuals to use and which tutorials to try?
Feel you are not getting much out of the programme?
I started using Photoshop in version 3, that's the old version 3, not the more recent CS3.
Photoshop was much simpler in those days with considerably fewer functions, but even so it was not easy to learn because the available manuals were pretty hopeless.
The situation isn't very different today and the programme is now much more complicated.
Most people seem to have had bad experiences with computer manuals. They are written by experts but never seem to have been road-tested on complete beginners. Photoshop is no exception, with some books spending the first 70 pages describing every menu feature and every tool in some detail.
A confusing amount of information is pumped out, and much of it will not be used for a long while. Some of this information will never be used and it certainly cannot be remembered by the reader.
All I wanted to do was just get started. In due course I mastered all its functions but I thought there has to be a better way of presenting the instructions.
This stimulated me to write articles on different Photoshop tasks.
In due course, these articles expanded and developed into an e-book about learning Photoshop.
- The FREE Photoshop tutorials on this site are designed to get the new user working with Photoshop immediately with some basic tasks.
- Whether you have the latest Photoshop or an earlier version, it doesn't matter - most of the basics are very similar.
- New information and techniques are fed in gradually as required while working on images.
- Not everything about a topic will be crammed into one tutorial more will come along later as required.
There's no long wordy introduction full of jargon swamping the reader with facts; just switch on and start mashing pixels.
More-Advanced Photoshop Tutorials
Intermediate and advanced users will also find new techniques and information.
- How about an introduction to High Dynamic Range?
- Want to learn more about filters?
- Is Indexed Color of any use?
- Ever wondered what's the point of 16bit?
- Frustrated trying to get prints looking like the screen?
- Want some great plug-ins to enhance Photoshop even more?
- Only got a basic scanner and want better results?
Click here to find out more
Video Tutorials
In the Video section in the Navigation Bar there are links to some great Video tutorials DVDs.
They cover Photoshop CC and CS6, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, WordPress, Animations and Video, and more.
To read more about the DVD for Photoshop Click Here
Plus Photography
Photoshop wouldn't be much good without photography, preferably good stuff rather than bad, so there are articles on:
- Shutter Speed
- Lens Aperture
- Travel Tips
- Depth of Field
- Infrared Photography
- White Balance
- Charging for Photography Jobs
- Pinhole Cameras + +
Click here to find out more
Where to Begin Learning Photoshop?
The How to Start link will take you to some basic tutorials to get you started without delay.
After that, there is plenty to explore and information about improving your knowledge and skills, whether you are making a fancy composite image or tidying up your favourite holiday pictures.
All in all, this site contains superbly, stupendously, awesomely interesting and monumentally useful material about PS and related digital imaging matters.
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