Using a Layer Mask to merge two photos
This is one of the most frequent questions we get in the Photoshop Forums and Photoshop 911. Here's a fairly simple solution that will work in almost all versions of Photoshop after version 4, and in all versions of Photoshop Elements.
The first step is making sure our photos are compatible. We'll do this by opening both images, and selecting Image > Image Size
In this dialog, make sure the resolutions are the same, and make a mental note of which file has larger dimensions. You'll want to drag the smaller image into the larger one.
Click in the image to move, HOLD and DRAG that image into the larger file. It will arrive there on its own unique layer. Now you can close the moved file, you no longer need it.
Before moving further, take a quick, visual survey of the images and make any adjustments that may be necessary -- color adjustments, levels, sharpen, etc.
Set the Mask
In the first set of operations, we'll set a mask, and then use a radial gradient to open a nicely feathered "window" to allow parts of the overlay image to show through.
Make your browser windows more narrow in order to read here, while seeing the diagram at the same time.
#1 The Mask: Click the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers palette, (#1)
You'll see the Layer Mask appear (#2) and the double lines framing it will indicate it's selected. If not, then click on it to select it.
#3 Gradient Tool: Tap "g" or select the Gradient tool from the Tool bar. Address the Options Bar at the top of your window, and make sure the second icon in "Gradient Styles" is clicked -- to make it a Radial Gradient.
In the Gradient Pop-Down arrow, make sure the gradient is Foreground to Background method -- and tap the letter D to reset your colors to Black over White; then tap X to set White over Black. White must be the foreground color.
#4 Deploy the Gradient:
Click in your image at the point you want to show the MOST of the added photo -- and drag to the point where you want the photo to diminish.
Note, I've clicked (#4) just about the center between the faces because I want them to be revealed the most.
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Who invented "Photoshop Tips & Tricks"
from the Editor:
I was delighted that day back in 1989 when Peggy Killburn called to ask if I could handle one more speaker in my "Great Graphics Tips & Tricks" session scheduled for the 1990 Macworld Expo. "Yes" was my response to her request to add Russell Brown to my panel. After all, we loved Adobe's young "Illustrator" program, and were quite anxious to try out their upcoming new product called "Photoshop." After seeing his demo, I was convinced Photoshop would be big. So the next month we added "Photoshop Tips & Tricks" to our regular DTG Magazine uploads to Compuserve, GEnie and AOL. The rest is history.
I only regret that I didn't trademark the name.
Editor / Publisher: Photoshop Tips & Tricks, DTG Magazine.
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Information in this web site are the exclusive property of Photoshop 911 dot com or respective authors and is copyright as a 'collection' - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Content herein may not be published in any form without the express permission of * All solutions or suggestions found in this web site are intended as guides only, with no written or implied guarantees of remedies. * Photoshop 911 dot com has no direct association with Adobe Systems, Inc. other than to support and evangelize Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Elements. Trademarks of various products mentioned in these pages is the express property of the respective owners. Photoshop 911 is an analogy of the national "911" emergency system, and is in no way related to nor in reference to the events of September 11, 2001.
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