15 Photoshop Lighting Effects Tutorials - SloDive

One trend that seems to be catching on quite fast is giving a spellbinding touch to an image with the help of lighting effects in Photoshop. Light is highly visible to the human eye and it easily catches the onlookers attention, so photo lighting effects are mostly used to highlight a particular object, scene or person.

Lighting is a wonderful Photoshop effect, and designers achieve substantial results with lighting effects. Photoshop is all about giving a special touch to a Photograph. The techniques and approach used towards digital image editing can be different, but the ultimate goal of using Photoshop is the same, which is to give an extraordinary look to an average image.

As the years are passing, and more updated versions of Photoshop are being released, its making designers work simpler and better.There are many techniques used by designers to achieve wonderful lighting results, some of which we will show you today, with the help of 15 Photoshop Lighting Effects Tutorials. These well-designed tutorials and great techniques used in them will lead you to accomplish great effects with the power of Adobe Photoshop. Make an impact on your audience with these dazzling effects below!

Use lighting effects to make a beautiful artwork in Photoshop CS5

How to create a variety of light effects in Photoshop CS5 that can be applied to photography or illustration.

Use lighting effects to make a beautiful artwork in Photoshop CS5

Tutorial Link For Use lighting effects to make a beautiful artwork in Photoshop CS5


Create A Speeding Car Scene With Light Effects In Photoshop

We will be creating a composition that blends together various stock images to create a cohesive scene. In addition, we will be using some cool Photoshop tricks to add light effects to the design. Many of these techniques can be applied to your own unique designs.

Create A Speeding Car Scene With Light Effects In Photoshop

Tutorial Link For Create A Speeding Car Scene With Light Effects In Photoshop

Create a Crystallized Water Girl Figure with Disintegration Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, author will show you the steps he took to Create a Crystallized Water Girl Figure with Disintegration Effect in Photoshop. Author will introduce a few tricks with quickly combine texture with stock image to create great looking effect, plus a few lighting techniques to give your work a great finishing touch.

Create a Crystallized Water Girl Figure with Disintegration Effect in Photoshop

Tutorial Link For Create a Crystallized Water Girl Figure with Disintegration Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop Lighting Effects

We are going to create an abstract scene with text or a logo, several circles and mixed with the magic of Photoshop.

Photoshop Lighting Effects

Tutorial Link For Photoshop Lighting Effects

How to Duplicate Professional Camera Filter in Photoshop

Professional photographers who makes pictures of the night the city can use different filters in their professional camera to achieve certain effect on the photo. What to do when there is no professional equipment? In this way Photoshop can help us!

How to Duplicate Professional Camera Filter in Photoshop

Tutorial Link For How to Duplicate Professional Camera Filter in Photoshop

Create a Pulsar Star Inspired Digital Abstract Artwork

In this tutorial, youll learn how to create a pulsar star inspired digital abstract artwork using Cinema4D and Photoshop, although these techniques are easily applicable to any 3D program.

Create a Pulsar Star Inspired Digital Abstract Artwork

Tutorial Link For Create a Pulsar Star Inspired Digital Abstract Artwork

Create an abstract figure from circles

In this tutorial, young artist Mart Biemans reveals how to create an eye-catching illustration with just a few simple techniques and tricks involving the Ellipse tool.

Create an abstract figure from circles

Tutorial Link For Create an abstract figure from circles

Photoshop Sparkles: Add A Sparkle Trail To A Photo

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, were going to learn how to add a sparkle trail to a photo, using a custom Photoshop sparkle brush well be creating.

Photoshop Sparkles: Add A Sparkle Trail To A Photo

Tutorial Link For Photoshop Sparkles: Add A Sparkle Trail To A Photo

How to create a glamour style composition using patterns and masks

In todays tutorial you will learn how to give a photo a complete glamour style using patterns and masks in Adobe Photoshop. Layered PSD file included.

How to create a glamour style composition using patterns and masks

Tutorial Link For How to create a glamour style composition using patterns and masks

Create A Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop

Today author will be showing you how to take an image of a model and turn it into a futuristic composition that uses various Photoshop techniques. We will be doing some work with masks and implementing color and light effects to achieve the end result.

Create A Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop

Tutorial Link For Create A Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop

Lighting effects for vintage photo looks

In this tutorial, Fabio Sasso will show you how you can create retro lighting effects in Photoshop without resorting to plug-ins and with a degree of control that means you get the look you want without the trial-and-error aspect of the iPhone apps.

Lighting effects for vintage photo looks

Tutorial Link For Lighting effects for vintage photo looks

Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop

In this tutorial, author will show the steps he took to create this Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorial so some steps can be a little tricky for beginners.

Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop

Tutorial Link For Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop

The Cosmos: Create a Spiral Galaxy

We will explore the cosmos from the perspective of this fictional civilization making their way through the universe and will demonstrate the techniques that you can use in Photoshop to depict your own cosmic scenery.

The Cosmos: Create a Spiral Galaxy

Tutorial Link For The Cosmos: Create a Spiral Galaxy

Glowing hello text effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial we are gonna create some really sharp looking glowing text effect in Photoshop, step by step explained.

Glowing hello text effect in Photoshop

Tutorial Link For Glowing hello text effect in Photoshop

Create a euphoric abstract haze

The techniques in this tutorial will teach you how to subtly use Overlay effects and Selective Color to change the mood of your image. Youll also learn how to place shapes to aid visual abstract design, how to use brushes to aid movement through the composition, and how to add depth to the foreground. Well also throw in a great trick to mask hair.

Create a euphoric abstract haze

Tutorial Link For Create a euphoric abstract haze

Adding Sunlight Through The Trees

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, were going to learn how to add beams of sunlight through trees, which is not only a great way to make an image look more interesting, its also a lot easier to do than you might think, as well see.

Adding Sunlight Through The Trees

Tutorial Link For Adding Sunlight Through The Trees

If youre an artist working with Photoshop, you can see just how powerful these Photoshop effects can be. With a little bit of lighting adjustments, you can change the whole outlook of an image. In other words, you can take your images to a whole other level with this program. We hope that we have helped you out with these tutorials and provided you with some good information. If this article helped you feel free to leave a comment below!

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