Adobe Photoshop - Photo-Editing and Web Graphics Tutorials

Our Adobe Photoshop tutorials can help you learn to create stunning web graphics or bring out the very best in your digital photographs, even when you run them on the cheapest web hosting... and we're adding new Photoshop tutorials as often as we can, so be sure to check back...

Our newest Photoshop tutorials are listed first...

NEW! Photoshop Quick Tip Videos

Photoshop Quick Tip VideosEveryone loves a quickie, especially if the quickies are free Quick Tip Videos for Photoshop. Our "Quickies" are short, web-based videos (approx. 2 minutes, or less) that highlight some neat trick or time-saving tip for Adobe Photoshop. Go ahead and check them out... you know you want to :)

Mastering Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool (part 1)

Mastering Photoshop's Clone Stamp Tool (part 1)Unravel the mysteries of Photoshop's most powerful tool... This Photoshop tutorial demonstrates how you can use the Clone Stamp tool to remove unwanted objects in any photo.

Snap Art Alien Skin Software's Snap Art

A review of Alien Skin's Snap ArtRead our review to see how you can use this amazing new Photoshop Plug-in to create everything from comics to fine art using your own digital photographs.

Create a Desktop or Printable Calendar

Create Glass Buttons with PhotoshopUse Photoshop's Text and Shape tools to create beautiful calendars using your own digital photographs.

Glass Buttons

Create Glass Buttons with PhotoshopYou see these pill-shaped glass buttons everywhere these days. This Photoshop CS 2 tutorial will show you how easily you can create them in any color scheme.

Sepia Toning

Sepia Toning in PhotoshopSepia toning adds a warm brown color effect to black & white photographs. Follow along with this Photoshop lesson to see how easy it is to add a touch of nostalgic romance to your digital photographs.

Create Brighter, Whiter Smiles

Brighter, Whiter SmilesEveryone wants a brighter, whiter smile, right? This new Photoshop tutorial demonstrates how you can give all of your portrait subjects a great hollywood smile.

Red Eye Removal

Red Eye RemovalAlong with showing you how to correct the all too common red eye problem, this tutorial demonstrates Adobe Photoshop's rulers, guides, the Elliptical Marquee tool and a really cool selection trick. You'll be glad you read this one!

Exposure Correction Using Levels

Exposure Correction Using LevelsAlong with showing you how to correct common exposure problems (underexposure, for example), this tutorial builds on the previous two lessons and shows you how to use a mask to selectively adjust the exposure on an image with deep shadow problems. This type of image problem is common with group shots of people where the subjects a little further back from the flash seem to recede into the darkness. Learn to pull those poor folks back into the light with this easy-to-follow explanation of Photoshop Levels.

More Advanced Masking Techniques made simple

More Advanced Masking Techniques made simpleUse even more advanced techniques, presented in our easy-to-follow style, to help you further refine and modify your selection/mask.

Advanced Masking Techniques made simple

Advanced Masking Techniques made simpleUse these advanced techniques, presented in our easy-to-follow style, to help you isolate portions of your digital photographs.

Converting Color Photos to Black & White

Converting Color Photos to Black & WhiteThis Photoshop tutorial explores a number of ways that you can convert your color digital photographs into beautiful black & white photos.

Digital Watermarking

Digital WatermarkingLearn how to embed a copyright message in your digital photographs.

Color Replacer

Color ReplacerHave you ever had to replace a color throughout an image? How about replace a series of shades of the same color with another series of shades of another color? If so, then you need to read this tutorial!

Text in a Circle

Text in a CircleText along a circular path has traditionally been something you'd need a vector program for. With some of the new features available in version 5, however, it's possible to do this with relative ease in Photoshop.

Page Curl

Create a Page Curl Effect with PhotoshopCreate the effect of a page curl using the built-in features of Photoshop. At the same time, learn to use paths and create your own gradients.

Flag Waving in the Wind

Flag Waving in the WindWe put this one together on a bit of a whim. For some reason three requests for this showed up on Usenet within days if each other. We just couldn't pass up the synchronicity. This techniques explores a seldom-used, yet very powerful tool... the displace filter.

Metal Plate with Screws

Metal Plate with ScrewsIt's time to get serious. Using some of the earlier techniques and building on these we'll show you how to start creating custom interfaces. You won't want to miss this one.

Quick Mask Photo Effects

Quick Mask Photo EffectsHave you ever wanted to do a little cutting and pasting and make it look as if your head was on someone else's body? This is how it's done. This tutorial doesn't cut off any heads but the technique is exactly the same. You can also use this technique to make portions of an image black&white while leaving the rest in color. This is a good trick to have up your digital sleeve.

Textured Spheres

Create Textured Spheres with PhotoshopUse the Metal Textures or Wood Textures to create textured spheres and round buttons.

Wood Textures

Create Wood Textures with PhotoshopAnd for the carpenters in the group... here's how you can create wood using just the tools that ship with Photoshop. Add a little text, carve a couple of bevels and you'll have some pretty neat buttons.

Metal Textures

Create Metal Textures with PhotoshopHere's a couple of neat tricks for creating metallic effects. You can use these textures for buttons, interfaces, etc...

Transparent GIFs

Create Transparent GIFs with PhotoshopAh, transparent GIFs... probably the only reason that the GIF format won't disappear for a while yet. This technique isn't that difficult. There are just a lot of funky rules involved.

Runny Text

Create Runny TextWe worked at this one for quite a while. It was around halloween and we thought we'd do something with a little gore. There's an action file included for those of the point-and-click variety.

EZ Gold Text

Create EZ Gold TextWe've struck it rich... it's gold I tell ya... gold! Well it's a good gold text effect anyway.

Raised Text (Label Gun Text)

Create Label Gun TextWe wrote this one because it was widely requested a while back. You've seen the text that comes out of those label guns, right? Well this effect mimics that look. Give it a try.

Soft Bevelled Text with Alien Skin

Create Soft-Bevelled TextBy combining some of the built-in effects with some of those in the Alien Skin package you can create a soft, pillow-like, text effect. Pretty cool.

EZ Chrome Text

Creat EZ Chrome TextIt seems that there are as many ways to create chrome as there are digital artists. This one is kind of unique and quite realistic.

3D Textured Text

Create 3D text with PhotoshopUsing a texture and the built-in lighting effects you can create a nice metallic effect.

Using Layer Masks

Using Photoshop's Layer MasksLayer masks are a fundamental tool in Photoshop. They can be used for creating all kinds of effects included collages. This technique shows a photo being turned into a sketch.

Basics -- Shapes and Drop Shadows

Some Photoshop Basics - Shapes & Drop ShadowsWe've added some basic Photoshop tutorials. These tutorials will cover basics like drawing circles and creating drop shadows. If there's anything you'd like to see covered here drop us a line.

We'd like to hear from you... If there are any Photoshop techniques you'd like to see covered, send us an e-mail.

Adobe Photoshop - Photo-Editing and Web Graphics Tutorials
Current Favorites: Here's of list of our most popular graphics tutorials: Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Quick Mask Have you ever wanted to do a little cutting and pasting

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Your home for inspiration and information about the Photoshop family of products. Tips & tutorials; Spotlights; Experts; Learn; Adobe Photoshop. See what's

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Create incredible images using the world's best photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop CC plus Lightroom Get started or go deeper with tutorials of Web

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Our Adobe Photoshop tutorials can help you learn to create stunning web graphics or bring out the very best in your digital photographs, even when you run them on the

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Adobe Photoshop software tips, Powered by the new Mercury Graphics Engine, Photoshop Touch, tutorial, Layers, lighting effects, Products Used:

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Thousands of Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials. image and photo effects with Adobe Photoshop. Photo Manipulation Web Graphics - Tutorials for

Photo editor | Download free Adobe Photoshop CC trial
Adobe Photoshop CC. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web Sharpen your skills with hundreds of tutorials for

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Comprehensive Photoshop Elements documentation. Editing photo projects: Create a greeting card: Create photo calendars: To the top. Web graphics More.

Adobe Photoshop - Photo-Editing and Web Graphics Tutorials ...
Collection of Over 850 Great Free Photoshop Styles To Download Posted on by bmackler in Photoshop, Resources Layer Styles are one of the often forgotten extras

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Online Photoshop is a free photo editing web based Web based Photo Editor New tutorials are easy to work with web based photoshop. Create Interactive Graphics.

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