Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorials for Beginners and Advanced Users

Illustrator CS6 Tutorial: Create 3D Vector Retro Badge

Creating a vector badge in Photoshop or Illustrator for beginners are popular on design community. But giving a 3D depth to the vector badge is new and can be achieved in few steps. Author can makes the tutorial as basic as simple or complicated depends on the designer who is writing. We always try to make it short and detail, so that new designers or other readers can achieve it.

I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6 version(demo), Created this vector retro badge in less than 3 minutes. I hope you do it more quickly than I did, You can play with the settings for more designs. All are depend on your imagination and adding creative to your work.

I would like you to ask, try this in your older version and tell me if it works mainly the 3D look alike depth part, its a illusion while we look at the badge.

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