How to retouch eyes in photoshop. Ultimate eye retouching

This 2 part tutorial shows you how to retouch eyes in Photoshop. The goal when retouching is clean things up and make them look good, but you dont want them to look retouched. This tutorial shows you how to do realistic retouching that is subtle, but gets big results. As a bonus these steps are all non-destructive.

Part 1: Ultimate Eyes retouching tutorial, retouching the whites of the eyes.

Part 2: Ultimate Eyes retouching tutorial, retouching the irises and adding catchlights

This 2nd part of the tutorial deals with retouching the colored part of the eye. We really clean up the iris and pupil and add more definition to the eye. So much gets lost in the detail and eye color when shooting a face. In this tutorial we learn how to bring back the luster and even enhance the energy in the eye and make it really come to life. This can add so much appeal to a photograph and make the photo of the person look much more life-like.

I hope you enjoyed this Photoshop tutorial. Check out the other awesome tutorials here on photoshopCAFE! Add a comment and let me know what you would like to learn next!

Also check out this tutorial that shws you how to change the color of eyes in Photoshop 


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Colin Smith

Colin Smith is founder of the #1 PhotoshopCAFE online community which has received over 30 million visitors. Colin has Authored/Coauthored 18 books. He has won numerous awards including 3 Guru awards. Hes been nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame twice. Colin is a regular columnist for Photoshop User Magazine. Hes been featured in almost every major imaging magazine, and is in high demand as a speaker at major industry events including Flash Forward and WPPI . He consults such companies as ABC Disney, Apple and Adobe

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