The festive Season is well upon us and the celebrations are only a few short weeks away, so in preparation this tutorial will help motivate you for the Holidays and produce an elegant wallpaper!
- Firstly youll need a few Icons and a fresh font!
- I have used the font Museo, which can be downloaded here (Im using the 500 and 700, both are free, just add to cart and checkout, it will be emailed)!
- Put text in your main fonts folder for your computer, or it may do that for you when you open it!
- I also downloaded these brilliant Christmas Icons from Icon Archive!
- *Right Click* > Save Image As! Select the 256 x 256 .png:
2. Making your Background
- Create a new document in GIMP, settings: 1600 x 1000, 72 pi, Transparency:
- Fill with Black using the Paint Bucket Tool:
- Now to create a cotton or linen like texture use HSV Noise, go Filters > Noise > HSV Noise
- Apply HSV Noise twice Shift + F
- Duplicate that layer, name it BG 2
- On BG 2, go Filters > Blur > Motion Blur, settings: Linear, Angle: 0, Length: 50:
- Repeat this for BG 1, but change Angle to 90
- Set BG 2 layer mode to Multiply:
- Brighten up BG 2, go Colors > Brightness-Contrast, by 50:
3. Adding Text
- Using the font Museo Semi-Bold at 251 px make the different layers:
- My separate words/layers: Merry, Christmas, &, Happy, New Year:
4. Text Border
- On your text layer *Right Click* > Text to Selection
- Grow the selection, go Select > Grow: 2px
- Create a new layer text layer - Drop
- Fill selection with a grey colour: 828282
- Drag the -Drop layer below the text layer original in the Layers panel:
- Repeat for all the other layers:
5. Adding Icons
- Using the Icons you downloaded in step 1. place them around your text:
- Import: File > Open as Layers (Ctrl + Alt +A):
- You may need to scale some to fit, go Layer > Scale Layer
- If scaling up I would use 450px, but experiment to find the most suitable!
- Note: For the Fireworks Icon I used the Horizontal Flip Tool (Image->Transform->Flip Horizontally)!
6. Vignetting
- Create a new layer Vignetting:
- Using the Gradient Tool with settings: FG Only: Black, Reverse, Radial:
- Stroke from the centre out to make a vignetting effect.
- Set Vignetting layer mode to Soft Light:
Thats It!
Download the XCF and Wallpaper here!
You may download the XCF: (3.9 mb)
You can also download the jpg for your wallpaper: Christmas-new-year-gimp-wallpaper.jpg (885 kb, *Right Click* > Save Image As)
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If you get stuck anywhere just comment below!
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