Chrome 3D Text Using Image Based Lights - Photoshop CS6

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In this tutorial well create this awesome chrome 3D text using Image Based Lights in Photoshop CS6 Extended.

3D in Photoshop is extremely powerful and Im sure youll be surprised on how easy it is to achieve great results, specially when you use IBLs.

Image Based Lights, or IBLs as they are known, are lights created out of images, and applied to 3D objects in Photoshop. This creates a realistic environment for the 3D object that you are working with.

This technique is not new to Photoshop, in fact Photoshop CS5 allowed you to create image based lights. However Photoshop CS6 is so much better at it, and the new user interface is much easier to use and understand.


In This Tutorial You Will Learn How To:

02:09 Convert text into a 3D object.
03:19 Use the 3D tools in Photoshop to align your 3D ground plane to your image.
04:18 Move the infinite light in Photoshop and control your objects shadow.
05:24 Set an Image Based Light (IBL).
06:21 Make 3D objects reflect light.
07:01 Tips for rendering in Photoshop.
09:08 Change  a 3D objects shape preset.
09:57 Place and move the Image Based Light.
11:04 Split Extrusions.
14:10 Paint shadows below the text.
15:45 Edit Image Based Light textures.

Final Image:

Chrome 3D Text Using Image Based Lights

3D Chrome Text

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