Drawing man upper body chest. In this tutorial you will learn how to draw upper body, chest, abs, ribcage and shoulder: front view for Manga, anime and comics. Learn how to draw simplify torso and upper body using geometric shape for Manga Anime comics: Step by Step video tutorial explain. Learn to sketch construction line for man and woman body: Torso and pelvis Step by Step basic sketching online lesson for cartoon illustration, manga, anime and comics. How to sketch and construct a BASIC body form quickly.
Questions from Viewers!!!
First off, apologized for replying any of these message so late. And thanks for all YOUR KINDS words and generous regards and e-mails. I would hug you all if I can. Thank you for the support for idrawgirls.com
We actually reach about 1,500 unique visitors IPs per day (and growing) and 5,000 hits average now.
Q: I watched the video demo and I have questions: are you working on multiple layers? Are your layers set to normal or do you use any of the layer settings (multiply, overlay etc.)? This is just great stuff!
A: I dont deal with layers much. I only use multiply and overlay to sample color I want to pick to speed up the process, then I merge them down after I get the color I want. And keep painting on the main layer.
Q: when ic omes to drawing ppl,either the human form or faces
so im wondering.is thier a class?an instructional cource?..bookssomthing to polish and reatech my scewered preceptions or drawing..
or anhting thatll make me better,..
as im always looking to improve my drawing skillz..
A: Keep watching idrawgirls.com vids (well just kidding but that too might helps)
I will stress this out again, You can practice drawing many many times from life model (street, train, coffeeshop, or session)you have to be quick and do a lot. Or from reference pic. You can actually google and find tons of stuff, go to art forums (sijun.com). Keep looking for inspiration on the web or comics.
Draw at least couple hours a day. Go to life drawing session at least twice a week.
Find your weakness and work on it, keep learning and constantly improving in everyway you can, drawing, sketching, value, color and everything you can to be flawless. Ive seen many people who can get better with determination, persistance and love.
Q: if you can offer me pointers or even just egt me giong in the right direcetion id be greatly appreciative..
A: Do anything you possibly can to get better as an artist, keep improving and keep drawing everyday. There maybe down time, but dont get discourageKeep it up even if sometimes you dont feel like but you do have to draw everyday.
Q: I recently got a Digital Scribe, is this anything like a Wacom tablet? Could I possibly work Photoshop and other things with this??
A: Nope they have different functions, Wacom pen (comes with different head sets now) has a tablet with it (without it, it wont function) and you can paint on it using it with Photoshop and its widely use in concept, games, and movie entertainment industry. As for Digital Scribe is more like a writing/drawing tool than painting. It feels great on paper when I try out, feel like I am using actual pen drawing on paper, but I have not found the way to use it with photoshop and I ask the guy (he has no idea if its compatable or not).
I have not seen one professional artists, using the product soI couldnt give you any more feedback on that. But the drawing using the product looks fine and fun.
Q: Hey Xia xD hmm I was wondering can you also draw some more males? if so, can you make a tutorial about with the Abs and ribcage? ^^;; Right now im drawing the male and getting better though i still have some problems. So yeah if u can can you go into alittle depth about them? Lol i cant believe im starting to draw the chest and lower body
>< im so happy!
A: OK Here is a torso tutorial:
Drawing man upper body chest.

How to draw male upper body
Watch a few video instruction below on how to draw male upper body in different direction and body type.
Here is a more muscular version
Here is a body in a different pose
Thanks for all the e-mails and comment guys!!!
Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.
Drawing man upper body chest - Learn how to draw and ...
Watch a few video instruction below on how to draw male upper body in different direction and body type.
Figure Drawing : How to Draw Human Body, Torso with Lesson ...
How To Draw Male Upper Body, Chest and Abs. This video demonstrates drawing the torso body section a man and a woman. Learn how to draw a simplified torso and
How to draw man muscles body anatomy | drawing and digital ...
How to draw man muscles body anatomy. Learn how to draw mans a male torso or upper body. Learn how to draw simplify torso by drawing chest,
How to draw torso Male (man) upper body, chest, abs ...
Drawing man upper body chest. Learn drawing and sketching male (man) upper body, chest, abs, ribcage and shoulder: front view for Manga, anime and comics.
If you want to learn how to draw the human body step by step in different steps, PoseManiacs supports all artists, (man) upper body, chest, abs,
How to Draw the male upper body (torso, chest and arms ...
How to Draw the male upper body (torso, chest and arms) How to Draw a male torso or man's body for anime or manga we learn how to draw Ironman.
Learn to draw man body muscle torso muscular type
http://idrawgirls.com/tutorials/2011/10/19/how-to-draw-man-muscles-body-anatomy/ Download Photoshop Brushes and Free Articles link below:
Drawing Male Muscle Body Drawing Man Upper Body Chest ...
drawing male muscle body drawing man upper body chest. Drawing male muscle body how to draw man muscles body anatomy. drawing male muscle body drawing man upper
How to Draw a male torso or man's body for anime or manga ...
This instructional video will teach how to sketch and draw the male body (a man's torso or upper body, chest, abs Learn step by step how to draw from a simplified
How to Draw Muscles, Step by Step, Anatomy, People, FREE ...
it took buying a nice anatomy book for me to start learning how to draw a human to the chest. Draw a drawing style. I kept the upper body
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