Visit KP-Digital - Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop TutorialsPhotoshop TutorialsPhotoshop TutorialsPhotoshop TutorialsPhotoshop TutorialsPhotoshop Tutorials

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Photoshop CC and Photoshop Elements 12 Training Tutorials

The purpose of this web site is to allow me to share with you techniques that I learn in Photoshop. Photoshop Tutorials will be created on a regular basis for Photoshop Elements 11 and Photoshop CC and will only be on the site for a limited time.

Training Discs are available for Photoshop CS4 (includes what's new in CS5) PC or MAC and Elements 8, PC or MAC at £15 each post free. Photoshop Elements 10 is £15 and Photoshop Elements 11/12 is £25. Photoshop CS6 Training DVD is £30. All training discs POST FREE. Postage is only free in the UK. There are several hours of high quality movies that are very easy to understand and will help you master the programmes. Please click on the links at the top of the page. .

If you would like to purches any individual moves posted on this site they are 80p each and I will send you a link to download them. Payment can be made vie Bank Transfer, Pay Pal or by cheque. Please contact me by clicking on the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Please feel free to click on the tutorial of your choice below.

The following movies are on my Photoshop CS6 Training DVD for PC or MAC. The price is £30 post free. Please click HERE for more information.

Photoshop CC Tutorials

Photoshop Elements 11 and 12 Tutorials

Elements XXL2 Plug-in Filter

Contact: 07956 256813

Visit KP-Digital... - Photoshop Tutorials
HOME Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop CC and Photoshop Elements 12 Training Tutorials. The purpose of this web site is to allow me to share with you techniques that I

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Photoshop Tutorials on CS6 and Elements 11. Please visit our web site for a more in depth explanation on how our photographic society is run.

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Your home for inspiration and information about the Photoshop family of products. Adobe. Tips & tutorials; Spotlights; Experts; Learn; About Online

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