35 Beautiful Vintage and Retro Photoshop Tutorials

By Jacob Gube

With the recent post on retro and vintage in modern web design1, its time to put the theory into practice. Weve scoured the Web to find some impressive Photoshop tutorials that can help you achieve an "old-fashioned" look-and-feel in your designs. In this post, we go back to the 1900s all theway to the 1980s to showcase a variety of vintage- and retro-inspired designs that involve poster art, collages and graphical elements. Whether youre into print design or web design, youll find something you can use or build upon.

You may want to take a look at the following related posts:

Without further ado, we present 35 high-quality vintage and retro Adobe Photoshop tutorials that may help your design well, travel back in time.

Vintage and Retro Photoshop Tutorials

Colorization Tutorial7
This short tutorial showcases a method for colorizing a black and white photo to achieve an aged, vintage look.

Colorization Tutorial8

Wicked-Worn Vintage Pop Art Design9
Mesh vintage pop art with grunge to create a unique mash-up of the two popular design styles.

Wicked-Worn Vintage Pop Art Design10

Retro Grunge Poster11
Wield the Pen Tool and utilize some free brushes and textures to achieve this retro-grunge hybrid look-and-feel.

Retro Grunge Poster12

Vintage Film Style Video13
Use a stock image of an old TV and Photoshop CS3 Extended to play vintage-style video clips inside the TV.

Vintage Film Style Video14

Give Your Photos a Retro Comic Book Effect15
Heres another method for creating a retro-stylec comic book effect to your photos using Photoshop.

Give Your Photos a Retro Comic Book Effect16

WWII Airplane17
Recreate the World War II airplane brushed-metal texture and paintings in this excellent Photoshop tutorial that involves using Noise and Blur filters.

WWII Airplane18

Cool Vintage Collage Design
19In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use old advertisements, hand-written text, and patterns to create a vintage design.

Cool Vintage Collage Design20

Pin-up Effect
21This video tutorial showcases how you can create the classic 50s pin-up effect using some Photoshop filters and Blending Modes.

Pin-up Effect22

Radio Knobs/Dials of the Past
23Learn how to design old-school radio knobs/dials in this Photoshop tutorial by skillfully using of the Marquee Tool in Photoshop.

Radio Knobs/Dials of the Past24

Turn of the Century Vaudeville Poster
25Create a beautiful turn-of-the-century poster geared towards intermediate to advanced Photoshop users.

Turn of the Century Vaudeville Poster26

Virtual Letterman Jacket
27In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to design retro-style varsity/letterman lettering using some ingenious Layer Styles.

Virtual Letterman Jacket28

B-movie poster art
29In this tutorial, you can learn the techniques involved in recreating B-movie posters from the golden age of cinema.

B-movie poster art30

Gigposter Design31
In this tutorial, youll learn how to create a retro-styled poster using Photoshop and Illustrator.

Gigposter Design32

Vintage Polaroid Effect
33This photo treatment tutorial shares a method for creating a vintage look using modern, colored digital photos.

Vintage Polaroid Effect34

Photoshop Vintage Effect35
Learn how to age modern digital pictures by adjusting contrast, saturation, and Curves in this short step-by-step Photoshop tutorial.

Photoshop Vintage Effect36

Vintage Fifties Letter
37Create this aged letter envelope by following this Photoshop tutorial thats aimed at intermediate Photoshop users.

Vintage Fifties Letter38

Vintage Truck
39In this short Photoshop tutorial, youll learn some techniques on how to use colored digital stock images to give it a vintage/retro look-and-feel.

Vintage Truck40

Make it worn41
Learn how to create a worn look-and-feel web design background, using detailed from scanned book pages.

Make it worn42

Comic Book Photo Effect
43Learn how to take ordinary photos and give it a retro-styled, pop art comic book effect.

Comic Book Photo Effect44

Vintage collages in Photoshop
45In this tutorial, you can gain insights and learn useful methods on how to achieve a vintage collage.

Vintage collages in Photoshop46

Make your own pop art
47Learn the techniques involved in creating your own classic 50s style pop art.

Make your own pop art48

Hot Chick on a Muscle Car
49Create a retro-styled post card using stock photos that are linked to by the author of the tutorial.

Hot Chick on a Muscle Car50

Retro Wallpaper/Poster
51This step-by-step tutorial walks the readers through the process of creating a retro wallpaper/poster.

Retro Wallpaper/Poster52

Retro Style Game Controller53
Illustrate an old-school gaming console joystick using Photoshop with this wonderful tutorial.

Retro Style Game Controller54

Retro Stars
55Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to create stars and then add multi-colored streaks to it, to achieve this popular 80s look and feel.

Retro Stars56

Sweet Radio Station Advert Design
57Learn how to create a radio station advertisement with retro curves with the help of Illustrator (or download them from vector stock sites).

Sweet Radio Station Advert Design58

Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein
59Create Lichtenstein-style pop art design by studying this Photoshop tutorial geared for intermediate designers.

Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein60

Retro Lighting Ford Mustang
61You can utilize the Custom Shape Tool for elements of the design to recreate this 70s inspired design.

Ford Mustang62

Mix Cool Retro Curves into Your Photographs
63Combine retro with modern design styles and elements to create this stunning photo effect.

Mix Cool Retro Curves into Your Photographs64

Photoshop Serigraphs
65Learn how you can take a portrait to recreate this Andy Warhol inspired pop-art.

Photoshop Serigraphs66

Retro Sunflower Design
67Remake this sunflower-themed retro wallpaper using ready-to-use Photoshop brushes, the Ellipse Marquee Tool, and custom shapes from the Custom Shape Tool.

Retro SunFlower Design68

Retro Summer Poster Illustration
69Utilize some of Photoshops vector tools to create a summery retro poster illustration.

Retro Summer Poster Illustration70

3D Retro Strip
71Use the Pen Tool to create 3-dimensional retro strips.

3D Retro Strip72

Abstract Retro-Pop Wallpaper
73This tutorial shows readers how to design a colorful retro-pop wallpaper using stock photo for texture and the RNS Bobo Dylan Font74.

Abstract Retro-Pop Wallpaper75

Further Resources



  1. 1 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/10/07/retro-and-vintage-in-modern-web-design/
  2. 2 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/10/28/40-beautiful-grunge-photoshop-tutorials/
  3. 3 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/07/15/70-beauty-retouching-photoshop-tutorials/
  4. 4 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/12/07/50-excellent-digital-photography-photoshop-tutorials/
  5. 5 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/11/03/photoshop-tutorials-to-improve-modeling-skills/
  6. 6 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/04/03/adobe-photoshop-tutorials-rainbows-glows-and-light-effects/
  7. 7 http://www.worth1000.com/tutorial.asp?sid=161018
  8. 8 http://www.worth1000.com/tutorial.asp?sid=161018
  9. 9 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/create-a-wicked-worn-vintage-pop-art-design/
  10. 10 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/create-a-wicked-worn-vintage-pop-art-design/
  11. 11 http://www.online-photoshoptutorials.com/2008/09/creating-a-retro-grunge-poster.html
  12. 12 http://www.online-photoshoptutorials.com/2008/09/creating-a-retro-grunge-poster.html
  13. 13 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/create-a-vintage-film-style-video-using-photoshop-cs3-extended/
  14. 14 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/create-a-vintage-film-style-video-using-photoshop-cs3-extended/
  15. 15 http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photoshop-blog/2007/09/13/give-your-photos-a-retro-comic-book-effect/
  16. 16 http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photoshop-blog/2007/09/13/give-your-photos-a-retro-comic-book-effect/
  17. 17 http://pshero.com/archives/wwii-airplane
  18. 18 http://pshero.com/archives/wwii-airplane
  19. 19 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/creating-a-cool-vintage-collage-design-in-photoshop/
  20. 20 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/creating-a-cool-vintage-collage-design-in-photoshop/
  21. 21 http://www.planetphotoshop.com/pin-up-effect.html
  22. 22 http://www.planetphotoshop.com/pin-up-effect.html
  23. 23 http://adreamers.blogspot.com/2008/08/radio-knobsdials-of-past-photoshop.html
  24. 24 http://adreamers.blogspot.com/2008/08/radio-knobsdials-of-past-photoshop.html
  25. 25 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/make-a-turn-of-the-century-vaudeville-poster/
  26. 26 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/make-a-turn-of-the-century-vaudeville-poster/
  27. 27 http://pshero.com/archives/virtual-letterman-jacket
  28. 28 http://pshero.com/archives/virtual-letterman-jacket
  29. 29 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1701
  30. 30 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1701
  31. 31 http://www.gomediazine.com/tutorials/gigposter-design-the-new-sex/
  32. 32 http://www.gomediazine.com/tutorials/gigposter-design-the-new-sex/
  33. 33 http://www.myinkblog.com/2008/06/23/create-a-vintage-polaroid-effect/
  34. 34 http://www.myinkblog.com/2008/06/23/create-a-vintage-polaroid-effect/
  35. 35 http://veerle.duoh.com/blog/comments/photoshop_vintage_effect/
  36. 36 http://veerle.duoh.com/blog/comments/photoshop_vintage_effect/
  37. 37 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/craft-a-vintage-fifties-letter/
  38. 38 http://psdtuts.com/designing-tutorials/craft-a-vintage-fifties-letter/
  39. 39 http://www.x24d.com/blog/2008/01/23/vintage-truck/
  40. 40 http://www.x24d.com/blog/2008/01/23/vintage-truck/
  41. 41 http://www.subdued.net/make-it-worn
  42. 42 http://www.subdued.net/make-it-worn
  43. 43 http://pshero.com/archives/comic-book-photo-effect
  44. 44 http://pshero.com/archives/comic-book-photo-effect
  45. 45 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1699&pn=1
  46. 46 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1699&pn=1
  47. 47 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1729
  48. 48 http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/index.cfm?featureID=1729
  49. 49 http://abduzeedo.com/hot-chick-muscle-car
  50. 50 http://abduzeedo.com/hot-chick-muscle-car
  51. 51 http://ubldesignes.co.uk/tutorial-16-A-Retro-Poster-Step-By-Step-Photoshop-Tutorial.html
  52. 52 http://ubldesignes.co.uk/tutorial-16-A-Retro-Poster-Step-By-Step-Photoshop-Tutorial.html
  53. 53 http://psdtuts.com/drawing/how-to-create-a-super-retro-style-game-controller/
  54. 54 http://psdtuts.com/drawing/how-to-create-a-super-retro-style-game-controller/
  55. 55 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2449/1/Retro-Stars
  56. 56 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2449/1/Retro-Stars
  57. 57 http://designblurb.com/radio-station-advertisement-tutorial/
  58. 58 http://designblurb.com/radio-station-advertisement-tutorial/
  59. 59 http://www.melissaclifton.com/tutorial-popart.html
  60. 60 http://www.melissaclifton.com/tutorial-popart.html
  61. 61 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2877/1/Retro-Lighting---Ford-Mustang
  62. 62 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2877/1/Retro-Lighting---Ford-Mustang
  63. 63 http://psdtuts.com/tutorials-effects/mix-cool-retro-curves-into-your-photographs/
  64. 64 http://psdtuts.com/tutorials-effects/mix-cool-retro-curves-into-your-photographs/
  65. 65 http://www.planetphotoshop.com/photoshop-serigraphs.html
  66. 66 http://www.planetphotoshop.com/photoshop-serigraphs.html
  67. 67 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2881/1/Retro-SunFlower-Design
  68. 68 http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2881/1/Retro-SunFlower-Design
  69. 69 http://psdfan.com/designing/design-a-retro-summer-poster-illustration/
  70. 70 http://psdfan.com/designing/design-a-retro-summer-poster-illustration/
  71. 71 http://www.pstut.info/tutorials/design-a-3d-retro-strip/
  72. 72 http://www.pstut.info/tutorials/design-a-3d-retro-strip/
  73. 73 http://www.tutorial9.net/photoshop/create-a-retro-pop-style-wallpaper/
  74. 74 http://www.impactolaser.com/t01.html
  75. 75 http://www.tutorial9.net/photoshop/create-a-retro-pop-style-wallpaper/
  76. 76 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/12/07/50-excellent-digital-photography-photoshop-tutorials/
  77. 77 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/07/15/70-beauty-retouching-photoshop-tutorials/
  78. 78 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/11/03/photoshop-tutorials-to-improve-modeling-skills/
  79. 79 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/10/28/40-beautiful-grunge-photoshop-tutorials/
  80. 80 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/10/14/30-beautiful-vintageretro-photoshop-tutorials/
  81. 81 http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/04/03/adobe-photoshop-tutorials-rainbows-glows-and-light-effects/

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