We'll use drawing and painting techniques using Photoshop.
Painting and blending the colors with a Spatter brush.
Working with layers to accomplish our goal.
Follow me through a step by step tutorial that will show you the amazing ways of digital painting.
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Step 1
Open a New Document.
Size: 800 X 600 px.
Background: White.
Picker color: # FFFFFF.
Resolution: 72.
Step 2
We'll be working with lots of layers. We'll draw the outlines in separate layers, so, we'll open new layers every time we draw new lines. Let's begin.
Open a New Layer. Name layer, "Petals 1".
Use a 2 or 3 px hard brush to draw the outlines for the middle petals of the rose.
You can also use the Pencil Tool (B), to do the drawing.
Usee the same 2 or 3 px line size.
Step 3
After you drew the outlines for the middle petals, open a New Layer. Name layer, "Petals 2".
Use the same 2 or 3 px hard brush or pencil to draw two more petals to the right side of the middle petals you drew.
Let the new lines intersect the other lines.
Step 4
We'll continue with the drawing of the petals.
This time we'll add two more to the rose we are drawing.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 3".
Step 5
Continue drawing the petals. The new petals are shown with
the lines pointing to them.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 4".
Step 6
When you look at a rose, you'll see that the petals are beautiful in shape, and color. The edges are simple in curves and lines. That is what gives the rose its unique beauty in the garden.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 5".
We are using separate layers for the drawing of the outlines of the rose, because when we start adding color to them, we will see that some of them have to overlap others. We can control working with color, to give the rose shape and form.
Step 7
The areas painted in color, show the progress of our drawing of the outlines. You do not have to add color to the work you have done.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 6".
This time we'll draw four bigger and two smaller petals.
Step 8
Same procedure, as you did before.
Draw the outlines for the spaces in white. Try to be accurate in your drawing of the outlines. This will help you at the end of your drawing of the rose.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 7".
Step 9
The drawing of the outlines of the rose is almost done.
Draw the last three petals of the rose.
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 8".
Step 10
Here are the outlines for the rose. Do not merge layers yet. Leave all layers as they are.
Step 11
Adding color to the petals.
There are some swatches with the colors we'll use for the painting of the middle petals of the rose.
You can get the colors by clicking over the preset black and white colors. When the color picker opens, type the number given to you, and you'll get the colors I am using.
There is also a practice sample for blending the colors, you can try it.
I used a 21 px soft brush Opacity of 50%, for painting, but sometimes you can use even a hard brush of a bigger size.
The blendings are done with the Smudge Tool (R) and Strenght of 45 to 50%. (For a smooth blending).
Step 12
Read the information given in this step below, to get an idea of how to make the blendings and how to use the color of the swatches.
Step 13
This is what you should have by now.
Step 14
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Petals 2".
Use the same 21 px soft Spatter brush for the blending of colors. Sometimes you can use a smaller brush for small areas.
Use a 13 px soft brush for the painting. Use the colors given to you over the areas pointed with lines.
This will be a repetitive process, when you paint and blend the colors together.
Step 15
This is the result of the blendings you shoud have by now.
Hide layers, "Petals 1", and "Petals 2". To leave the starting of the painting of the rose by itself.
Save your layer, "Rose 2".
Step 16
Open Layer, "Petals 3".
Paint over the new petals. Open a New Layer, name layer, "Rose 3".
Use the same technique you used before to do the blending
and the painting of the petals, using the colors shown in this
step below.
Step 17
The middle petals are taking shape. As you can see, the colors are coming alive now. Make the layer "Petals 3", inactive by closing the eyes that are to the left of the layers column.
This layer will remain, "Rose 3".
Step 18
Open layer, "Petals 4".
Paint over a New Layer, name layer, "Rose 4".
Try to blend the colors nicely.
Step 19
There is more progress shown here.
Layer will remain, "Rose 4".
Step 20
Open Layer, "Petals 5".
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Rose 5".
Start by filling the new petals with color. Save the layers painted for the petals.
Step 21
Sometimes, the first time that you add and blend the color, does not look nice. If this happens, just do it again, add more color if needed, change the size, Opacity and Strenght of your brushes to get a nice blending.
Layer will remain, "Rose 5".
Step 22
Open layer, "Petals 6".
Open a New Layer, name layer, "Rose 6".
As you've seen, the colors you have been using are the same. Brushes will be the same too, with a little changing in size, Opacity and Strenght.
Using a 50% Opacity and Strenght worked well for me.
Step 23
We have accomplished a lot, the rose is almost made. You will paint bigger petals next time.
Step 24
Follow the directions given in step below.
Open layer, "Petals 7".
Paint over a New Layer, name layer, "Rose 7".
Step 25
Now you can see the progress made to the painting of the rose.
Step 26
Open layer, "Petals 8".
Paint over layer, name New Layer, "Rose 8".
Step 27
Here is the beautiful painting of the rose. You can make all the layers with the outlines inactive, if you have some open.
Also, all the layers with the name "Rose" on them can be merged together, to form a single layer, if you want to do so, name layer, "Digital Rose".
Step 28
Open a New Layer, fill it with black color.
Name layer, "Background 2".
Use different kinds of green, red, and some blue color.
You can do this by using a 300 px soft brush, and Opacity of 50%, and spray around with colors to get this effect.
Step 29
Follow the directions given to you, to make the leaves for the rose.
Step 30
Here are more suggestions to finish your work. Follow them carefully, and you will be surprised and happy with the results.
Step 31
We arrived to the end of the road for this tutorial. I appreciate so much for following me through all of these steps to achieve something beautiful.
Do not hesitate to try something else. Digital painting is beauty on its own. It takes time and patience, but at the end, you will be happy to know that you can do it.
Good luck in your journey through Art!
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