30+ Easy To Follow Photoshop Layout Design Tutorials

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  • http://mahallo.net Mahallo Media

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  • http://devesigner.com Lamin Barrow

    Amazing list. Thanks for posting :D

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  • http://windoo.wordpress.com web2000

    Hey great post 30 easy to follow photoshop layout design tutorials. Thanks!

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  • http://www.joyologo.com/ joyologo design shop 2.0

    nice compilation for layout tuts, thanks for list..

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  • http://www.magmag.biz Brant

  • Pingback: 30+ Easy To Follow Photoshop Layout Design Tutorials | Design Newz

  • http://paradigmpop.com Diwant Vaidya

    Very nice list. Thanks for posting it.

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  • http://www.raymondselda.com/ Raymond Selda

    I noticed that Grafpedia has lots of amazing tutorials. Im going to do a few of these and keep on learning stuff. Lots of interesting effects that I would love to learn. Thanks for an awesome round-up.

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  • Pingback: Over 500 Layout Design Tutorials in Adobe Photoshop | AREA 1 - Graphic/web design tutorials & articles

  • Pingback: Over 500 Layout Design Tutorials | AREA 1 - Graphic/web design tutorials & articles

  • http://www.northstar-website-design.com/ Fred Campbell

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    Very nice list. i Love it.
    Thanks for this post.

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  • http://www.giordanopiazza.com/blog gyo

    Theres always something to learn with these tutorials thanks for sharing!

  • http://www.bathrobewarrior.com/ Bathrobewarrior

    Wow, I really like #9! Awesome list!

  • http://www.brushesstock.com/ brushesstock

    Excellent tutorials.Thank you.

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  • http://srisakthi.com raman

    Great collections of weblayout tutorials.Thanks for sharing

  • http://www.graphstock.com Graphstock

    great list with web layout tutorials. This is what i like most

  • http://b3graphicsnet Atul Bhalerao

    Very Easy steps and easy to follows


    atul bhalerao

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  • http://www.brettwidmann.com Brett Widmann

    These are really great layouts to use for businesses! Thanks

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  • http://www.ki-design.com.ar/ diseño paginas web

    Neat tutorial, thanks for sharing!!!

  • http://www.freedownloadweblayout.blogspot.com keyu

  • http://www.eatablegraphics.com/ web designer jalandhar

    I loved the 4th layout. Its the best and it is much more colorful than others. What you guys say ?

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  • http://www.lenoirlawfirm.com/ Joseph Johnson

    Now this what a great tutorial should be. This will surely be a big help for me.

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    thank for great tutorials ^^
    Its verry useful for my job
    this is really nice and prefect collection ^^


  • http://www.absolutelyfreecreditscores.com/ Adam

    Nice collection of tutorials.

    I like #27, nice and simple.



  • http://www.bryantsmith.com Website Design

    Im more of a programmer than a designer, so Im always looking to brush up on my Photoshop. Bookmarked, thanks!

  • Pingback: More Than 1000 Photoshop Web Layout Tutorial

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_5EXU2PPB5ZIVUNHLV4MBDSDXIA atul s

    i have taken a lots of help from this website to make my new website. I have tried to give the combination of red and white on my new website.. http://www.mailingsolutions.in is new one where i applied Photoshop and flash effects. Thanx a lot  

  • http://www.facebook.com/pratibha.chorage Pratibha Chorage

    9,10 & 15 layout is really nice designed

  • http://www.tampacriminaldefenders.com/ Dianne

    For my kind of taste, 13, 16, and 18 look really appealing and smart. Impressive layouts I have to say. 

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  • http://greenroominteractive.com/ joana leighmoore

    The last layout is perfect if you just want to put some character into your website. But if you want to have a unique and interactive layout for your business website, the 9th one would work best.

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     Those are great choices of layout designs. But the top of my pick is the 26th. Just my type of artistic style. Sweet!

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    Im so pleased you shared all such cool layouts. The tutorials are indeed helpful for beginners like me.  Thanks a bunch for your generosity!

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    I never thought making a layout could be this easy. I really appreciate your great effort and generosity. Thumbs up!

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    Layout number 9 its best of all! 

  • http://www.thescooterexperts.com/ Noviejay

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  • 30+ Easy To Follow Photoshop Layout Design Tutorials
    Hey great post 30 easy to follow photoshop layout design tutorials. Thanks!

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    Photoshop is an excellent application for web designers. No matter you are beginner of expert of Photoshop, you can easily get tutorials and resources by using the

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    30+ Easy To Follow Photoshop Layout Design Tutorials
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