Photoshop Tutorials - Photoshop Design Tutorials

In this tutorial, I will show how to download and use Actions Long Shadows for Illustrator in Photoshop CS6. 1/ Download actions file (.aia) 2/ Load .aia file in panel actions 3/ Open and run actions

Bridge makes importing images a snap, and it can perform all kinds of wonderful housekeeping chores for you. For example, it can automatically rename photos and add keywords, descriptions, and copyright info to each file. You can also have it back up your files (either to an external hard drive youve plugged in or to another spot on your internal hard drive) as part of the import process. To import Read More »

If youre working in Photoshop CS6, you can open Bridge by choosing FileBrowsein Bridge. If Photoshop isnt running, you can double-click the Bridge icon in the Adobe Bridge application folder (on a PC, go to StartAll ProgramsAdobe Bridge CS6 (64bit). Either way, you see the window shown in Figure If you open Bridge and it looks different from Figure, try clicking the word Essentials near the top of the Bridge Read More »

As digital images pile up on your hard drive, the ability to sift through them quickly and efficiently becomes more and more important. Enter Adobe Bridge, an image-browsing and organization program thats been shipping with Photoshop for years. Browsing through images in Bridge used to be a painfully slow process, and the program wasnt very intuitive. But in recent versions, Bridge got a speed boost, a makeover, and a Review Read More »

If your client or boss asks you to alter an image and you suspect hell change his mind later, its wise to edit a copy of the image (or PSD) instead of the original. That way, when he asks you to change everything back, you dont have to sweat bullets hunting for a backup of the original or try to recreate the earlier version. Duplicating files is also handy when Read More »

Of all the file formats Photoshop can understand, Raw may be the most useful and flexible. Professional-grade digital cameras (and many high-end consumer cameras) use this format. The info in a Raw file is the exact information the camera recorded when it took the picture. (When shooting in JPEG format, the camera itself applies a little noise reduction, sharpening, and color boosting to the image.) Raw files contain the most Read More »

The Open dialog box isnt the only way to get images into Photoshop. If you have a scanner that knows how to talk to Photoshop, you can use it to import images straight into the program. But, first, you need to install the scanners software. Checkthe owners manual to learn how to do that, which covers plug-ins in detail. (Plug-ins are applications that expand Photoshops abilities.) To find your scanners Read More »

Saving a document as a PDF file is like taking a picture of your document so others can open it without needing Photoshopthey just need the free Adobe Reader (or any other PDF-viewing program, like Preview on the Mac). PDFs can store text, images, and even video at a variety of quality settings. Theyre also cross-platform, which means they play nice with both Macs and PCs. Its an amazingly useful Read More »

Opening a Raw file in Photoshop is just like opening any other kind of image except that it opens in the Camera Raw window instead of the main Photoshop window. You can open Raw files by: Double-clicking the files icon. Your computer launches Photoshop (if it wasnt running already) and then opens the Camera Raw window. Control-clicking (right-clicking on a PC) the files icon and then choosing Open Read More »

Opening Files as Smart Objects in Photoshop CS6. Smart Objects are one of those glorous features that make Photoshop truly amazing. Youll learn a lot more about them , but heres a quick overview: Smart Objects are basically containers that can store raster, vector, or Raw files in their original formats. Smart Objects keep track of important information about the original file including any superpowers inherent to that format, like Read More »

Photoshop Tutorials - Photoshop Design Tutorials
Photoshop Tutorials of Adobe Sofware. Photoshop design tutorials for beginners from basic to advanced

Photoshop Tutorials Archives - Vandelay Design
Photoshop has tons of potential for improving photos in one way or another. Even subtle improvements can make a big difference in the end result.

Graphic Design | Photoshop Tutorials
Jirka VääTäInen is a graphic design graduate from the Arts University Bournemouth. He is a very passionate lover of graphic design, photography, digital art

Photoshop Tutorials
Subscribe to our mailing list and get the latest Photoshop tutorials, tips, and 58 premium actions ($7 value). Learn Responsive Web Design From Scratch:

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Photoshop allows designers and photographers to improve photos in countless ways. Some photos are edited in a subtle way that the viewer may not even notice unless it

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