Written by Steve Patterson. In this Photoshop Effects tutorial, well learn how to create a cool motion blur-type of effect by first colorizing a photo, then selecting a single column of pixels from the main subject and stretching it across the image to create streaks of color.
Well use a layer mask and a brush when were done to paint away the streaks in areas where we dont need them. If youre wondering where the "Dead Zone" part of the name came from, the idea for this tutorial comes from the DVD box art for the final season of one of my favorite tv shows, The Dead Zone. Ill be using Photoshop CS5, but any recent version of Photoshop will work.
Heres what the final effect will look like:

The final result.
Lets get started!
Step 1: Duplicate The Background Layer
Open the image youll be using for the effect. Heres the photo Ill be working with:

The original image.
The first thing we want to do to is create a copy of the image so were not working directly on the original (in case we ever need it again later). The original image is sitting on the Background layer in the Layers panel. To make a copy of it, go up to the Layer menu in the Menu Bar along the top of the screen, choose New, then choose Layer via Copy. Or, for a faster way to copy a layer, press Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac) on your keyboard:

Go to Layer > New > Layer via Copy.
A copy of the layer, which Photoshop names Layer 1, appears above the Background layer:

We can now safely work on the effect without touching the original image.
Step 2: Desaturate The Image
Next, before we colorize the image, lets quickly remove the original colors by desaturating the photo. Go up to the Image menu at the top of the screen, choose Adjustments, and then choose Desaturate, or press Shift+Ctrl+U (Win) / Shift+Command+U (Mac) to access the Desaturate command with the faster keyboard shortcut:

Go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
The image will now appear in black and white, although in my case, the original colors were pretty subtle to begin with:

Desaturating an image removes all color, creating a quick and dirty black and white version.
Step 3: Colorize The Image
With the original colors out of the way, lets add our own. Go up to the Image menu once again, choose Adjustments, and then choose Color Balance:

Go to Image > Adjustments > Color Balance.
Photoshops Color Balance command allows us to choose different colors for the shadows, highlights and midtones of the image. If you want to use the same colors Im using, first select the Highlights option in the dialog box, then drag the bottom of the three color sliders towards Yellow until the right Color Levels input box shows a value of -40. This adds yellow to the highlights. Make sure the Preserve Luminosity option is checked:

Adding yellow to the highlights.
Next, select the Shadows option, then drag the top color slider towards Red until the left Color Levels input box shows a value of +70. Drag the bottom color slider once again towards Yellow until the right Color Levels input box shows -60. This adds an orange color to the shadows:

Adding orange to the shadows.
Click OK when youre done to close out of the Color Balance dialog box. The colors in your image should now look similar to this (assuming you used the same colors I did):

The image with the shadows and highlights now colorized.
Step 4: Select A Single Column Of Pixels
Grab the Single Column Marquee Tool from Photoshops Tools panel. By default, its hiding behind the Rectangular Marquee Tool, so click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool and hold your mouse button down for a second or two until a fly-out menu appears, then select the Single Column Marquee Tool from the list:

Click and hold on the Rectangular Marquee Tool, then select the Single Column Marquee Tool from the list.
As its name implies, the Single Column Marquee Tool selects a single column of pixels in the image. Clicking anywhere in the image will select the pixel you clicked on plus every pixel above and below it from top to bottom. For this effect, we want to select a column of pixels that will divide the subject in half. Im going to click in the center of the mans nose. A very thin selection outline appears, dividing his left half from his right (it may be a little hard to see in the screenshot since the selection is only 1 pixel wide):

A thin selection outline appears running vertically through the center of the subject.
Step 5: Copy The Selection To A New Layer
Just as we did back in Step 1, go up to the Layer menu, choose New, and then choose Layer via Copy (or press Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac) on your keyboard) to copy the selected column of pixels to its own layer. Nothing will seem to have happened to the image in the document window, but a new layer containing the column of pixels appears above the other layers in the Layers panel. Photoshop names the layer "Layer 2" (normally we should be giving our layers more descriptive names, like "colorized" and "pixel column", but with only three layers needed for this effect, theres not much use in renaming them):

The column of pixels is now copied to its own layer.
Step 6: Stretch The Column With Free Transform
Go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Free Transform, or press Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) to access Free Transform with the keyboard shortcut:

Go to Edit > Free Transform.
This places the Free Transform box and handles around the pixel column. Move your cursor directly over the column. Youll see it turn into two small arrows pointing left and right. Click on the column and, with your mouse button still held down, drag the column towards the right. As you drag, youll see the pixels stretching and repeating across the image:

Drag the pixel column towards the right to stretch it.
Continue dragging the column all the way to the right edge of the photo. Press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) when youre done to apply the transformation and exit out of the Free Transform command:

The single column of pixels now covers the right half of the photo.
Step 7: Apply The Gaussian Blur Filter
Lets apply a slight blur to the color streaks so they dont appear so sharp and well-defined. Go up to the Filter menu at the top of the screen, choose Blur, and then choose Gaussian Blur:

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
When the Gaussian Blur dialog box appears, increase the Radius value to around 4 pixels by dragging the slider a little to the right. Click OK when youre done to exit out of the dialog box and apply the blurring to the image:

A small Radius value of around 4 pixels should do the trick.
The transitions between the colors are now a little softer:

The Gaussian Blur filter gave us smoother color transitions.
Step 8: Add A Layer Mask
All thats left to do at this point is to blend the blur streaks in with the image, and we can do that using a layer mask. Click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel:

Click on the Layer Mask icon.
A layer mask thumbnail, filled with white, appears on Layer 2 in the Layers panel, letting us know that the mask has been added:

A layer mask thumbnail appears.
Step 9: Paint With Black On The Layer Mask To Hide The Color Streaks
Grab the Brush Tool from the Tools panel:

Select the Brush Tool.
Make sure the layer mask thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel (you should see a thin white highlight border around it which tells us its selected. Click on the thumbnail to select it if its not highlighted). Set your Foreground color to black by first pressing the letter D on your keyboard, which resets them to their default colors (white for the Foreground and black for the Background), then press the letter X to swap them, making black the Foreground color. You can see your current Foreground and Background colors by looking at the two color swatches near the bottom of the Tools panel:

The Foreground color (left color swatch) is now set the black.
Then, with a medium or large, soft-edge brush, simply paint over sections of the color streaks to hide them and reveal the main photo underneath. You can change the size of your brush as you paint by pressing the left bracket key ( [ ) on your keyboard to make it smaller or the right bracket key ( ] ) to make it larger. Holding down your Shift key while pressing the left bracket key will make the brush edges softer. Holding Shift and pressing the right bracket key makes the edges harder, although youll want to use a soft-edge brush to create smooth transitions between the color streaks and the main image.
Here, Im painting with a large, soft-edge brush to reveal part of the mans face behind the streaks:

Painting with black on a layer mask hides the areas you paint over.
If you make a mistake and reveal too much of the main image, simply press X on your keyboard to swap your Foreground and Background colors, which sets your Foreground color to white. Paint over the problem area with white to bring back the color streaks, then press X to swap the colors again and continue painting with black.
You can also change the opacity of your brush to create even more subtle transitions between the color streaks and the main image. Simply press a number on your keyboard to change the brush opacity. For example, to set the opacity to 50%, press the number 5. For something like 25%, press 2 5 quickly. To set the brush opacity back to the full 100%, press 0 (remember to set it back to 100% when youre done to avoid possible confusion the next time you use the Brush Tool):

Paint over the same area repeatedly with a lower brush opacity to build up the transition effect.
Ill continue painting over the color streaks using different brush sizes and opacity settings, using the X key on my keyboard to swap between black and white for my brush color as needed. Here is my final result:

The final Dead Zone Blur Streaks result.
And there we have it! Thats how to add a Dead Zone-inspired color and motion blur effect to an image with Photoshop!
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