Photoshop Backgrounds, Patterns, Textures & Tutorials

Your Source for
Backgrounds & Textures!

OurOriginal, High Resolution, Royalty Free Jpeg Images
are perfect for Graphic Designers and Photographers.

Whether you're a master of Photoshop or just a beginner, you'll love working with our Photoshop backgrounds and texture images. You can even use Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, or any image editing software that utilizes layers.Now you can take your computer graphics experience to a whole new level by combining our royalty-free, Photoshop backgrounds and textures with your work. This is stock photos as it should be. As an art director, illustrator, web designer, I've found these images invaluable. Experimenting with different backgrounds, and effects gives me a creative edge and I've written tutorials to show just how easy it is.

New Additions to the Download Library

Here are some of the most recent additions to our Download Library section, where the best selection of backgounds and textures are available 24/7/365. For as little as $1.00 each, our 300 DPI images are ready for your next project.

Quality & Creativity are Surprisingly Affordable

Our scalable, high resolution backgrounds are great in Photoshop, for video in After Effects, Final Cut Pro and other AV applications. You can create great floating backgrounds for motion graphics, titles, and other video content. Our versatile JPEGs have numerous applications from mini-DV to High-Definition.

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