How to Color Anime & Manga eHow

Gonnette Almurey

Gonnette Almurey is a professional freelance writer with a heavy background in fiction writing. Her expertise in non-fiction topics include finance and freelance advice. She has been a professional writer since 2004. She currently holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and is actively working towards her Master of Arts.

By Gonnette Almurey, eHow Contributor

Anime is Japanese animation and manga are Japanese comics. Manga is usually printed in black and white but sometimes has color. There are two ways to color manga and anime: by hand using colored markers or digitally using graphics programs. Most coloring is now done digitally with programs such as Photoshop.


  1. Coloring Anime & Manga

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      Import finished line art into Photoshop or Manga Studio. Line art can be imported via TWAIN (scanner) or a separate file on the computer. In Photoshop go to File > Import > [Name of scanner]. This will open a dialogue box. In the settings make sure that the scanner is set to 400 DPI so that the image will be high-quality. In Manga Studio go to File > Import > TWAIN. If the image is in a separate file go to File > Open and work within the image on either program.

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      Create a group in the layers panel and name it "colors". Create a main layer within the group called "base," this will be the layer for flat colors. For each color or texture, create a new layer. For example, if a character wore a yellow raincoat, the layer containing the color for the raincoat would be called "yellow." If a character wears metal bracelets, the layer containing the texture of the bracelets would be called "metal."

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      Use the magic wand tool to select parts of the layer that need to be colored. Be sure that the magic wand tool is set to "add" so that you can select more than one area. Use the paint bucket tool to fill the selection. Repeat for each section and color or tone.

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      Create two new layers called "shade" and "light." On the light layer use the brush tool to draw a simple picture of the sun to represent a light source. On the shade layer, using the sun image as a guide, begin shading the areas that are farthest from the light source by using the "lasso tool" to select the area and then using the "paint bucket" tool to fill the selection. On the light layer, select a lighter color and shade with light closest to the light source.

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      Color the eyes. For the eyes create a separate layer called "eyes". Zoom in until the eyes are a large portion of the canvas. Use the "paint brush" tool to paint the eyes your color of choice. Use the paint brush tool to create a black oval for the pupil. Use white to create a gleam in the top portion of the eye. Use the "dodge tool" to lighten the outer-lower portions of the eye and the "burn" tool to shade the outer-top portions of the eye. Use the "smudge" tool to blend the colors.

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