Free Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe Photoshop Tips

10 Things Beginners Want to Know How To Do In Photoshop CC
In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows you how to get started with Adobe Photoshop CC and covers the 10 things that beginners want to know how to do. If you're new to Photoshop, this is the video you've been looking for!

10 Things Beginners Want to Know How To Do In Photoshop CC

Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials For Creative Suite 1

free Photoshop Tutorials for CS3Our free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials have been separated into 5 collections. This page features free Photoshop Tutorials for CS. We also have a page of free Photoshop Tutorials for CS2, and a page of free Photoshop Tutorials for CS3, one for Photoshop CS4 and and one for Photoshop CS5. If you own Photoshop CS5 you can go through all 3 collections, but if you have an earlier version of Photoshop, the tutorials for later versions will include features you might not have. To upgrade visit the Adobe Online Store. If you are a student get super savings at the Adobe Education Store.

Photoshop CS6 Beta Free Video Training - 2 Hours and 30 Minutes of Photoshop CS6 Tips And Secrets

In the first installment of's extensive coverage of the Adobe Creative Suite 6, Deke McClelland offers a comprehensive sneak peak at the new features in the free public beta of Photoshop CS6. Adobe has announced that Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta, a preview of what's to come in the next release of the industry standard in digital imaging, is available as a free download from Adobe Labs.

This free Photoshop CS6 Beta course reveals the secrets behind the new dark interface, searchable layers, the powerful Blur Gallery, Camera Raw 7, video editing, and the Adaptive Wide Angle filter, which removes distortion from extreme wide-angle photographs and panoramas. Deke also covers the new nondestructive Crop tool, dashed strokes, paragraph and character styles, editable 3D type, and the exciting Content-Aware Move tool, which moves selections and automatically heals the backgrounds. Below the screenshot are the clips and their running times:

Photoshop CS6 Beta Free Video Training - 2 Hours and 30 Minutes of Photoshop CS6 Tips And Secrets

 The secrets of the dark interface 03m 55s
 Saving with Background Save and Auto Save 03m 22s
 Cropping with the altogether revamped Crop tool 04m 00s
 Using the consolidated Properties panel 03m 58s
 Exploring the searchable Layers panel 05m 02s
 Modifying multiple layers at a time 04m 50s
 Exploring the wide world of layer enhancements 06m 48s
 Using Content-Aware Move and Extend 06m 16s
 Using Content-Aware Patch 03m 14s
 Making powerful automatic color adjustments 06m 03s
 Exploring the brave new world of Camera Raw 7 06m 16s
 Using the new three-part Blur Gallery 08m 09s
 Working with the Adaptive Wide Angle filter 07m 07s
 Correcting wide-angle panoramas 07m 14s
 Exploring text and style enhancements 04m 48s
 Filling and stroking shape layers 04m 37s
 Aligning and stacking vector-based shapes 04m 17s
 Working with the Scripted Patterns feature 03m 32s
 Using erodible brush tips and airbrushes 05m 44s
 Working with the enhanced Liquify filter 04m 20s
 Exploring the new Oil Paint filter 04m 10s
 Selecting skin tones and faces 05m 11s
 Using the new Lighting Effects filter 06m 29s
 Editing videos in the Timeline panel 10m 16s
 Making editable 3D type 08m 08s
 Exploring 3D shadows and reflections 06m 35s
 Aligning and distributing meshes in 3D

Get Photoshop CS6 Beta For Free At Adobe Labs
Adobe has announced that Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta, a preview of what's to come in the next release of the industry standard in digital imaging, is available as a free download from Adobe Labs. Packed with groundbreaking new innovations, features and performance enhancements, Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta is available for the Mac and Windows platforms. More info...

Get Photoshop CS6 Beta For Free At Adobe Labs
Photoshop Blog
photoshop tutorials by Jennifer Apple
Photoshop tips and Photoshop tutorials - tutorials by Jennifer AppleHere are some free Photoshop tutorials by Jennifer Apple.
Working With Type In Photoshop CS2
Learn how to work with the type tools in Photoshop CS2.
Working With Layers In Photoshop CS2
Learn how to work with layers in Photoshop CS2.
Photoshop tutorials by Jennifer Apple - Working With Layers In Photoshop CS2Working With Photoshop Scripts
Learn how to work with Photoshop Scripts. Includes free Photoshop Scripts.
I See iPod People — The Photoshop Silhouette
Learn how to make an iPod ad Silhouette in Photoshop.
Photoshop Web Template — Web Site Design Tutorial
Learn how to make a Photoshop web template with this web site design tutorial.
Photoshop tips and Photoshop tutorials - tutorials by Jennifer AppleBlog Templates — Blog Design Tips And Resources
Tips on how to improve blog templates with your own designs. Includes resources.
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
Learn how to edit and create sets of keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CS and CS2.
How To Fix Overexposed Images In Photoshop
Two quick techniques to help you fix overexposed images in Photoshop.
Photoshop tutorials by Jennifer Apple - Photoshop Tips And Tricks For BeginnersHow To Fix An Underexposed Photo In Photoshop
Two simple techniques that can make dark photos look great.
How To Wrap Text Around An Object In Photoshop
A quick and easy technique to wrap text around an object.
Tips And Tricks For Beginners
Photoshop tips and tricks that will save you lots of time down the road.
Web Graphics - Photoshop Blog Templates & Blog Design TipsCreate A Sepia Tone Effect In Photoshop
A simple way to create a Sepia Tone effect in Photoshop.
Turn A Photo Into A Sketch For Making Coloring Books
Want to make a coloring book? The first step is to turn a photo into a sketch.
The Night Vision Thing — A Photoshop Recipe
Learn to create the greenish glow associated with photos from night vision devices.
Photoshop tips and Photoshop tutorials - tutorials by Jennifer AppleResize Images Without Losing Sharpness
This simple trick will eliminate the dreaded blur often found after resizing.
Pixel Fonts To The Rescue
All about Pixel fonts — how to use them and where to get them.
Mysteries Of The Favicon.ico — How To Create A Favicon In Photoshop
Learn how to create tiny custom icons that appear in the address bar of a web browser.
Photoshop Blog
Mark Galer - Free Photoshop Tutorials by Mark Galer
Learn some pro tips and tricks from Photoshop expert Mark Galer. Also see some of his great Photoshop Elements tutorials.

How To Sharpen An Image In Photoshop — Advanced Sharpening Techniques
How To Sharpen An Image In Photoshop — Advanced Sharpening TechniquesMost if not all digital images require sharpening. Most cameras or scanners can sharpen as the image is captured but the highest quality sharpening is to be found in the image editing software. The best sharpening techniques are those that prioritize the important areas for sharpening and leave the smoother areas of the image well alone, e.g. sharpening the eyes of a portrait but avoiding the skin texture. These advanced techniques are essential when sharpening images that have been scanned from film or have excessive noise, neither of which needs accentuating by the Unsharp Mask. So let the project begin.

Working With Shadows In Photoshop - Advanced Shadow Techniques
Working With Shadows In Photoshop - Advanced Shadow Techniques Learn the fine art of isolating and preserving delicate and complex shadows for transplantation to exotic new backgrounds. The flower for this tutorial was photographed on a cold winters morning in Victoria whilst the sand hails from the Great Indian Desert in Rajasthan. Unlikely bedfellows, but with a little craft the two can lie together comfortably within the same frame – but only if the subtle shadow is captured with all of its subtlety and delicately transplanted to its new home in the desert. This is how...!

Photoshop Masking & Montage Tutorial — Using Masks To Improve Landscape Images
Selecting & Extracting Hair - Masking Tutorial - Extraction TipsIn this sample chapter from his new book, Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills, Mark Galer shows you Photoshop techniques that use selections and Photoshop masks to create amazing effects that can be applied to landscape images. As a bonus, you can also download high resolution versions of the images that are used in the tutorial, so you can work along with Mark. This tutorial is an excellent way to become more familiar with Photoshop's powerful masking and selection tools.

Working With Photomerge In Photoshop Elements 6 For Windows
Working With Photomerge In Photoshop Elements 6 For WindowsThey say that sequels are never as good as the original - try telling that to Adobe. There fully revamped Photomerge now comes in three flavors and is fully fantastic. You get to explore the greatly improved Photomerge features only in Elements 6 and Photoshop CS3. Photomerge is now capable of aligning and blending images without any signs of struggle - banding in smooth areas of tone.

Selecting & Extracting Hair - Masking Tutorial - Extraction Tips
Selecting & Extracting Hair - Masking Tutorial - Extraction TipsOne of the most challenging montage or masking jobs in the profession of post-production editing is the hair lift. Get it wrong and, just like a bad wig, it shows. The first secret step must be completed before you even press the shutter on the camera. Your number one essential step for success is to first shoot your model against a white backdrop, sufficiently illuminated so that it is captured as white rather than gray. The post-production is the easy bit - simply apply the correct sequence of editing steps and the magic is all yours. This is not brain surgery — but follow these simple steps and you will join the elite ranks of Photoshop gurus around the world. Celebrity status is just a few clicks away.

Use The Displace Filter & Displacement Maps To Make A Realistic Flag
Use The Displace Filter & Displacement Maps To Make A Realistic FlagBy using the blend modes the flag in this project can be modified to respect the color and tonality of the undulating silk beneath it. The highlights and shadows that give the silk its shape can however be further utilized to wrap or bend the flag so that it obeys the materials shape and sense of volume. This can be achieved by using the Displace filter in conjunction with a displacement map. The map defines the contours to which the flag must conform. The final effect can be likened to shrink-wrapping the flag to the 3-D form of the undulating silk.
Photoshop Blog
Photoshop Cookbook Series - Free Sample Chapters
These sample recipes from O'Reilly's Photoshop Digital Studio Cookbook Series are a great way to develop your Photoshop skills.
sample chapters from O'Reilly's Photoshop Digital Studio Cookbook SeriesCreating Black And White From Color
How To Create A High-Contrast Sketch
Andy Warhol Pop Art Silkscreen Effect
Scraped Polaroid Picture Effect
Van Gogh Effect - Van Gogh's Sunflowers
Daguerreotypes - The Louis Daguerre Effect
Autochrome - Color Process Effect
Powder Pastels — Hand-coloring Image Tips
Selective Coloring — Remove Color From An Image
Hand Tinting — Tips For Photo Coloring Effects
Whitening Teeth & Eyes In Photoshop
Watercolor — Creating Artistic Painterly Effects
Ink Outlines — How To Give An Image A Drawn Look
Photoshop Fine Art Effects - Create A Cubist Look
Photoshop Fine Art Effects - Cross-Processing

Get $75 Off A Premium Subscription And $50 Off An Annual
Here's how you can get $75 off a Premium Subscription to and $50 off an Annual Subscription. Follow this link, then choose one of the signup buttons, and fill out the first signup page. On the second signup page, choose which subscription you want and under Credit Card Information, click on the area that says Promo Code - click to enter. For the $250 Annual Subscription, enter promo code MW10A and your total will change from $250 to $200. For the $375 Premium Subscription enter Promo Code MW10P and your total will change from $375 to $300. Happy learning!

You can find some free video tutorials at for both Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS4.

Topaz Detail - Pro Level Photo Sharpening Plugin - 50% Off Sale
APRIL 12, 2014

Topaz Detail is like giving your computer an upgraded set of instructions telling it exactly what "detail" looks like in your image. With these instructions, your computer learns how add real sharpness to your images, instead of just naively increasing edge contrast.

Because of its unique technology, Topaz Detail naturally makes your photos look more "three-dimensional". So don't make another flat picture. Instead, use Detail to create a deep and rich moment in time, frozen in the frame of your photograph... so vivid that you feel like you could just walk right in.

Topaz is running a 50% promotion on Topaz Detail. Use coupon code "aprdetail" during checkout.

Topaz Detail

Topaz Detail will first analyze your entire image and determine what's detail and what's not. With that information, it can make your images tack-sharp - without increasing noise or causing other side effects. The final result can look so good that you'd think it had been that sharp all along. Try this method once and you'll never want to go back to the old way.

CD & DVD Labels - Photoshop CD Label Templates & Label Printing Tips
Why have bland, generic looking CD & DVD labels when you can just as easily create labels that really pop? On the rise are label CD & DVD label templates based on Adobes agile and ubiquitous Portable Document Format (PDF). CD & DVD Labels - Photoshop CD Label Templates & Label Printing TipsAny creative application in the professional or prosumer (effectively, serious hobbyist) class can either or both read and create PDF files. More importantly, PDF files can be viewed and printed by anyone with a copy of the Adobe Reader — which is to say, by just about every computer user on planet Earth. PDF-based labels can be printed on any inkjet or laser printer, or even sent to a printing shop.
Read Photoshop CD Label Templates & Label Printing Tips by Pariah S. Burke.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials & Articles By Jennifer Farley

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials & Articles By Jennifer FarleyUse Photoshop To Add A Title To An Image - Working WIth Text
There are times when you need to put a title on an image, whether for print work or for the web. Sometimes you might put it above the image, often you might place it below the image, but one way to add a nice elegant title is to actually put it in the image. In this short tutorial Im going to use Photoshop to do just that.

Designing With Paragraphs Of Type - Photoshop Type Tool Tips
In Photoshop, you will often use point type - a few discrete words or lines – which are added by clicking once with the Type tool and then adding some text. Often, however, a design may call for full paragraphs of text. You can design complete paragraphs of type in Photoshop and you dont have to switch to page-layout program to get paragraph type control. In this short Photoshop tutorial Ill show you how to do it.

How To Make A Dotted Line Brush In Photoshop
The dotted line is a very useful tool in graphic and web design for separating areas of information. If you've used Illustrator or InDesign, you'll know that it's simple to stroke a line so that it appears dotted. However, Photoshop doesn't offer this as a standard feature. I'm going to show you how you can easily create a dotted line by making a custom brush.

Adobe Photoshop Drop Shadows - Drop Shadow Tips
Its really easy to add a drop shadow to any object on a layer in Photoshop. Just select the layer in the Layers palette and then click on the Add a layer style button at the bottom of the palette and choose Drop Shadow from the drop down menu. This opens up the Layer Style dialogs box and you can choose your drop shadow settings from there. Simple.

Hand Colouring A Black And White Photo In Photoshop - Photoshop TutorialHand Colouring A Black And White Photo In Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial
You can hand colour a black and white photograph in Photoshop in a number of ways. In this tutorial, Im looking at how to add colour by making selections and using adjustment layers. Let me preface this by saying, THIS EFFECT DOES NOT LOOK NATURAL! It will not look like a colour photograph, but is great for a retro look and can be good fun on old pictures. However, nobody will mistake it for an original colour picture.

Working With Photoshop Blending Modes & Opacity - Photoshop Tutorial
In this Photoshop tutorial, Im taking a brief look at opacity and blending modes in Photoshop and how you can create different image effects by using them. Im not going to look at each of the blending modes – there are 23 of them – but more an overview of how they work. When you blend layers you are changing the way pixels on the different layers mix with each other and this gives us some cool (and unusual) results. Blending modes can be a great way to compose multiple-image artwork.

Matching Image Sizes When Dragging Between Documents
People new to image editing in Photoshop are often puzzled when they drag an image from one document window to another document and the sizes dont match. You may have found that you have two documents which look about the same size when they are side by side, but when you drag one photo onto the first image appears really small (or really big). So whats the story? Well, you need to look at the resolution of each image to understand why this happens.

Using Photoshop's Art History Brush To Create A Painting Effect
Rather than using Photoshop filters to create a watercolour or painterly effect, you can use the Art History Brush in Photoshop to create a nice looking "painting." And it will make you feel like youre part of the process of making something because with this tool you need to make decisions about how the effect will look

Photoshop Photo Effect - Haunted Grungy Look
A very popular look Ive noticed recently is a sort of haunted, gritty photo look. I saw an advertisement in a magazine for House the TV program with Hugh Laurie and it uses this effect of grittiness combined with bright coloured eyes. In this Photoshop tutorial Im going to show you how to make something similar in Photoshop.
Photoshop Blog
Photoshop CS5 & Photoshop CS5 Extended - Best Deals From Adobe
Photoshop CS5 & Photoshop CS5 Extended - Best Deals From Adobe Adobe Photoshop CS5 delivers breakthrough capabilities to help you create images with impact. Refine your images with reengineered photography tools for removing noise, adding grain, and creating high dynamic range (HDR) images. Get precise results when making complex selections. Remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically. Paint with naturally textured brushstrokes and realistic color blends. Learn more about Photoshop CS5.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software helps you create the ultimate images for print, the web, and video. Enjoy all the state-of-the-art editing, compositing, and painting capabilities in industry-standard Photoshop CS5, and experience fast performance thanks to cross-platform 64-bit support. Also create 3D extrusions for logos, artwork, and motion graphics; edit 3D objects with advanced tools; and create and enhance motion-based content. Learn more about Photoshop CS5 Extended.

Photoshop CS5 Tutorials & CS5 Resources
See our Photoshop CS5 Resource Center for Free Photoshop CS5 Tutorials, and the Free Photoshop CS5 Trial Download. See our Photoshop CS4 Resource Center for Free Photoshop CS4 Tutorials.
Photoshop Blog
Adobe Photoshop Plugins Discount Coupon Codes

ONONE Photoshop Plugins 10% Instant Discount Coupon
Enter coupon code - PSSPPT06 - during the checkout process at onOne Software for an instant 10% discount on any onOne Software product.

Free Photoshop PluginsTOPAZ LABS Photoshop Plugins 15% Off
Enter coupon code PHOTOSHOPSUPPORT during the checkout process at Topaz Labs for an instant 15% discount on any Topaz product, including bundles and upgrades.

NIK Photoshop Plugins 15% Instant Discount Coupon
Enter coupon code NIKPSS during the checkout process at Nik Software for an instant 15% discount on any Nik plugin or bundle.

MEDIA LAB Photoshop Plugins Instant $100 Off Discount
Our partners at Media Lab have given us an exclusive offer you can purchase Site Grinder for $299, saving you $100 off the regular price. See details here.

FLUID MASK Photoshop Cutout Plugin $20 Off

Vertus, the makers of

Photoshop Tutorials | Photoshop Star
In the following tutorial we will create a Christmas ornament ball using some brushes, a texture and standard Photoshop filters.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials, Free Photoshop Tutorials
Basics - Get started with Adobe Photoshop with these beginner's tutorials on features, basic tools, and basic techniques everyone should know. Drawing & Painting

30 Killer Free Photoshop Tutorials - SloDive
Check out some latest free Photoshop tutorials ranging from beginner level to advance one. These tutorials will certainly add to your knowledge.

Free Photoshop Tutorials & Adobe Photoshop Tips ... features Photoshop tutorials and tips by Jennifer Apple, and offers links to other free Photoshop tutorial sites.

Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials by PhotoshopCAFE
Photoshop CC 2014, best new features for photographers. This tutorial touches on the best new features in the 2014 release of Photoshop CC and how to use them.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Tutorialized
Photoshop is a standard name in graphic design for web use, print layout, and more. Recognized world-wide as the industry-standard, Photoshop offers one of the most

Free Photoshop Tutorials, Custom Shapes, Photo Effects ...
PSHERO: Featuring free Photoshop Tutorials on Graphic Design and digital photo effects as well as offering a selection of free Photoshop Custom Shapes, Photo

Photoshop Tutorials, Free Photoshop Tutorials, Adobe ...
Photoshop tutorials and free Adobe Photoshop tutorials, tips and techniques. These tutorials will show you how to use Photoshop layers, channels, textures, clipping

Photoshop Tutorials, How To Edit Pictures |
Learn how to properly edit pictures with Photoshop and Lightroom Tutorials.

Free Photoshop » Tutorials
Learn How to Install Add-ons Like Brushes, Shapes, Gradients, Textures, Layer styles and plugins in Adobe Photoshop on Windows and MAC OS Machines.

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